Died in minecraft

>died in minecraft
>lost all my shit
>have to go back to rng wagiecave to get more of basic resource in order to even play the fucking game properly again
what is it that makes zoomshits like this trash again?

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>He dies on a childrens game

I'll bite. What is this rng wagiecave you speak of?

>he is a phoneposter
you have no right to mock anyone.

>died in minecraft
you can get a full iron set/shield by just exploring the caves/ravines exposed to surface so mobs should never kill you

i suspect you fell in lava like a retard

>plays and knows Minecraft unironically
shut the fuck up zoomer

>Put game on easy
>Get a full set of iron armor and a shield from above ground loot and go exploring in a cave
>3 skeletons spawn next to eachother and shoot their arrows out of sync so I can't alternate between attacking and blocking
>backtrack the way I came, walking backwards since skeletons keep shooting
>Creeper explodes on me
Another skeleton behind the creeper starts shooting

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minecraft is older than zoomers

Zoomies are 25 and under. Minecraft isn't 25 years old.

>doesn't know the actual best selling game of all time
are you serious?


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>game releases 2010

shut the fuck up tranny

>I made a thread for a thing I hate so I could be mad
jesus christ

I swear you fags flip flop whos boomer and zoomer every weekend.

>can't stop thinking about trannies
you gay son.

>dying in minecraft
>trouble finding iron
Just uninstall the game user, this is clearly too much for you

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>all these zoomers defending minecraft on Zig Forums
holy shit and people say this place isnt infested with redditors and kids lol

>People mine to get resources instead of just to find caves they can explore.
Also this game is comfy as fuck when the existential dread fades out.

>it sold well so it's good and not made for braindead zoomers with a god complex
yeah right and bugsnax is a kid's game.


I mean I just play with a grave mod.

Yeah. I was trying to make a jump in the nether.
i have 7 diamonds, and fucking 32 gold ingots. But 24 iron. Huh?
yeah, minecraft is pretty hot garbage. Fuck this, I'm playing fucking stalker.

>taking all your shit to nether

OP is probably a stupid zoomer that plays bedrock.

Unrelated but I died while mining yesterday and closed the world out of rage but I just went back down to where I died today and the diamonds I found didn't get burned buy the lava. I'm so happy bros 5 diamonds! and an iron pickaxe survived too

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>war on terror still going on
I know there's still lots of troops out there but the spirit of the war on terror died maybe 7 years ago. Nobody was excited to go into Syria unlike in 2003 when maybe just under half the nation was supportive of going to Iraq. Doesn't feel like we're fighting a war on anything but people with different opinions on the internet

it was literally a joke on this board for years that the game was for kids and autists
stop feeling ok to share your autism because zoomers infested this site

Just carry a water bucket on you at all times if you're afraid of getting burned by lava

Just get your backup equipment bro, like, just take your back up wolf and go bro.

And the people joking were newfags.