PS5 Launch Day Tread - fuck scalper bots edition

PS5 Launch Day Tread - fuck scalper bots edition

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Other than random refreshing on some websites, Playstation Direct is really my last hope.

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Anyone know when playstation direct is gonna restock?

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I'd plan to spam the website from midnight on east coast to midnight on west coast

Was anyone here actually able to get a console from Walmart today?


-Everyone in the Universe.

>pre ordering consoles
>buying consoles at launch
>paying $70+tip for games

The controller is mad comfy, but this fucking thing is so huge it won't fit on my goddamn desk. At least not with my PS4 and PS3 sitting here. I guess I could get rid of the PS4, but I feel like that's a bad call.

I dealt with the fucky Walmart website crashes all day, until suddenly availability popped up on Amazon. I got super lucky and scored a digital edition that arrives Sunday (long before any of the Walmart shipments are set to ship). Pretty pumped about it. I suggest checking
That’s where I found amazon randomly in stock. Btw, my wife clams that GameStop is going to add more stock at an undisclosed time tonight.

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>buying brickstation

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What games should I play? This was supposed to be my Cyberpunk 2077 machine

What's her source?

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Is this real?


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I spent all day on Walmart just to get fucked in the ass

>digital edition
You could just pay me $400 to kick you in the nuts and not have to wait for shipping or pay tax.

>playing video games
Bunch of fags, am I right?

Why would it ship when it clearly says the 25th

How does it feel to be behind the times?

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good desu

>Playstation Direct
It is called ‘State of Play’

Mine is coming tomorrow

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Sorry I’m not sure her source. I would just keep checking
I didn’t think the amazon stock would come, then it suddenly lit up green and I was able to snatch one up.
I don’t own a single ps4 disc. I’ve been 100% digital for years now. Psn often times has better deals than GameStop and private physical game sales anyways

Ah you got the first 12pm EST Walmart win. Lucky!

You can play so many great games on the PS5 like uh... black spider man and uh... some game called "demon souls" that came out over a decade ago and uh... bugnsax and of course we can't forget... something called sack boy? Wow, what a great lineup of exclusive games to kick off this generation!

more like state of gay haha

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a week before the XSX release date I had stopped at my local gamestop to ask if they were selling some in store besides the ones they had for pre order. the manager informs me that they had some in stock and that i should be in line if i was planning on getting one. two days before release day i went back to confirm. the worker tells me that they will no longer be selling other than the ones they have for pre order due to the fact that workers and managers had dibs on them the remaining ones (of course he claimed he wasn't one of them)

when will gamestop fix their business practices? I'm sure the majority of the scalpers out there are gamestop employees or workers selling them for triple the price

>I spent all day on Walmart just to get fucked in the ass
lel, I went into town for a sausage mcmufffin and hit f5 at 9am sharp and except for some slow loading had a confirmation email within the next 3 minutes

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arrives BY meaning it should ship a lot sooner

>I don’t own a single ps4 disc. I’ve been 100% digital for years now
They install faster with a disc, but I have some PS4 Pro enhanced games still in the shrink wrap I've been waiting several years to play. Gonna finally play Shadow of the Colossus when my PS5 gets here if I don't decide to scalp it.

As evident by it not even being in transit yet

All the PS5 games I want to play are PS4 games that will run better lel

There's no reason for it to take two weeks to ship. I assume they just don't have the actual stock yet or are waiting a day or so to get them out the door.

>no 60fps bloodborne
what else is there

Lucky duck lmao

Anyone have an idea when Sony’s site will update? Says check back at 11/13

I can give you two reasons: COVID and high demand. You just mentioned stock yourself.

I've been on their site refreshing and no luck

PS5chads is it really as loud as a jet engine if im watching a blu ray in there? Am I just getting memed by cynical bitter virgins on Zig Forums?


Who cares? Souls games suck.

This. I understand the appeal... Sorta, but in reality they are some of the most uninspired boring games on the planet. Sekiro was kinda neat though