Wait...that's it?

wait...that's it?

this is what all the fuss has been about all these years?

how the FUCK has this been regarded as being the best game ever created for SIXTEEN FUCKING YEARS????

It's literally 10 hours of floating through empty as fuck levels doing stupid shit with source's physics engine, how the fuck did all the characters in the game garner such a mythos around them when not a single one gets more than 5 minutes screen time? and when the story itself takes a massive backseat to showing off the capabilities of the engine?

I'm fucking dumbfounded. Please tell me the expansions make it worthwhile and not just a fucking tech demo

Attached: half-life-2.jpg (1600x1200, 261.84K)

idk why people say it's one of the best games ever
it had some good atmosphere and the gameplay was fine but it's not really incredible, just pretty good
the lack of any kind of resolution to the story was a major cockblock though

Rock Paper Shotgun should hire you, your retarded opinions would give them clicks for sure.

tell me why it's better than good then

what do you think is better?

This is a nice bait user, although it's too obvious by the ending

its not the best game ever, its good maybe the best of the year it came out. what givves it so much hype is the engine behind it that set a standard for what games are, also the story isnt to bad either

its genuinely one of the best games, OP is just retarded

It's just a straight video game. No bullshit story no cutscenes, no interruptions just start it up and play. Maybe it's combat or maybe it's dicking around with a little puzzle or maybe it's the boring ass driving section but it's just a pure game that they didn't contaminate with any nonsense.
Unless Alyx shows up in which case it's listen to some boring shit go on

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I play it every november around thanksgiving. It reminds me of being in my house with my parents cooking thanksgiving dinner in 2004 and me experiencing half life 2 for the first time. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced