Wait...that's it?

wait...that's it?

this is what all the fuss has been about all these years?

how the FUCK has this been regarded as being the best game ever created for SIXTEEN FUCKING YEARS????

It's literally 10 hours of floating through empty as fuck levels doing stupid shit with source's physics engine, how the fuck did all the characters in the game garner such a mythos around them when not a single one gets more than 5 minutes screen time? and when the story itself takes a massive backseat to showing off the capabilities of the engine?

I'm fucking dumbfounded. Please tell me the expansions make it worthwhile and not just a fucking tech demo

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idk why people say it's one of the best games ever
it had some good atmosphere and the gameplay was fine but it's not really incredible, just pretty good
the lack of any kind of resolution to the story was a major cockblock though

Rock Paper Shotgun should hire you, your retarded opinions would give them clicks for sure.

tell me why it's better than good then

what do you think is better?

This is a nice bait user, although it's too obvious by the ending

its not the best game ever, its good maybe the best of the year it came out. what givves it so much hype is the engine behind it that set a standard for what games are, also the story isnt to bad either

its genuinely one of the best games, OP is just retarded

It's just a straight video game. No bullshit story no cutscenes, no interruptions just start it up and play. Maybe it's combat or maybe it's dicking around with a little puzzle or maybe it's the boring ass driving section but it's just a pure game that they didn't contaminate with any nonsense.
Unless Alyx shows up in which case it's listen to some boring shit go on

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I play it every november around thanksgiving. It reminds me of being in my house with my parents cooking thanksgiving dinner in 2004 and me experiencing half life 2 for the first time. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced

The Half Life games were technical acheivements for their time but have no soul. That's why they age badly and are remembered even worse than other less technically proficient games (eg Deus Ex, System Shock, Doom).

Source engine just feels so good for some reason. It doesn't feel like you're glued to the ground like a lot of games did coming out at the time. Only in the last few years have games caught up to the natural flowing movement feel of Source, although plenty of games before Source came along had just as nice feeling movement, so it's definitely not exclusive, but Source games were the last games for a long time that felt like that.

i replayed it again for the first time in like a decade recently. op is right. game was incredibly important for its time but aged like shit and is torturously boring today. every important thing it introduced has been been done more fun even if HL2 laid the academic foundation for it all.

the only thing that genuinely feels special compared to modern games is how nearly everything is a physical object that can be moved and thrown, which is all too rare today.

It has good encounter design and good pacing. (outside of the opening 20 minute unskippable cutscene) The prison level with the antlions is one of my favorite levels ever. No single aspect is great but every aspect is at least good. I think the Combine are also one of the more interesting sci-fi vidya enemies.

>No bullshit story no cutscenes, no interruption
Which fucking game did you play? Just because you're still moving Mute Self-Insert Protagonist Superhuman around while characters are standing around spouting exposition while blocking your progress doesn't mean it's not a fucking cutscene/interruption. Gameplay is shit, linear, boring, and holy fuck Half-Life fucking sucks. Overrated as hell. It was part of the downfall of gaming in the late 90s.

Half Life aged far better than all of those you've listed except Doom.

Old dipshits conflate the seamless level transitions (good) with "technically in control during cutscenes but all you can do is jump around like a retard and shoot into the walls" (bad)

Half Life 1 did age better, correct


>seamless gameplay
>top-notch writing, voice acting and dialogue
>superb character development
>even ephemeral npc encounters are memorable and endearing
>emotionally pulling story, uncannily palpable
>surreal, ominous and morose atmosphere with so much life in places void of life
>halo 2 for example, in spite of new Mombasa being under siege, felt as dead empty as an abandoned forerunner ring
>half life 2, there are mementos, trinkets, and a variety of details layering a world and past now lost, giving the player more understanding and another reason to fight
>guns are fun and feel good to use, all with a purpose and ideal use case.
>combine are deceptively overwhelming yet aren’t frustratingly overpowering (play on hard mode if you’re so buttmad about difficulty you Gaiden fags).
>enemy variety is satisfying and fun to combat.
>many areas to find and examine in spite of linearity, and often times very ambient and invokes a need to pensive Exploration.
>wide variety of combat scenarios and fun and challenging puzzles.
>ground breaking physics engine that still holds to this day.

I will never understand hl2 hate. It really is a matter of contrarianism and unrelenting reddit Hatred. It’s a masterpiece, now fuck off. It doesn’t need to be regarded as your favorite game but it should be praised as an innovative and creative, masterful work of art. 10/10 suck my fucking nuts.

>This thread again

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>empty levels
user..dont do it...

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No it didn’t

lmao yeah sure its reddit to NOT like half life

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Not with that weapons and gamefeel. Other than tau cannon nearly every weapon feels weak af.

You need a higher than average IQ to apprecciate the subtlety of HL2.
Clearly not a game for you. :)

I dunno about seamless, I mean the game still had loading screens between levels. I get that most people didn't have PCs capable of loading and playing at the same time back then but still, a Half-Life 2 with no loading screens would be very nice.

Does daddy know you’re using his work laptop?

This thread is gay.

Half life 1, still good

Half Life 2, now bad

its that simple

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Both Deus Ex and System Shock feels like shit to play nowadays, you know that? Especially after their spiritual and iterative successors namely Prey 2017 and Mankind Divided.

if my post is "hate" to you then you're a fanboy m8
i literally said it's a good game series it just doesn't deserve the hype it gets. it has great atmosphere and that's something that matters a lot to me in a game, and the gameplay's solid. there's just not really much more to it than that. and valve dropping ep3/hl3 has to be taken into consideration too. that's a big fuck you to the fans.

Most people generally enjoy both Half Life 1 and 2 equally, more or less, for their own unique reasons. It's only here where someone can write a game off because you spend 3 minutes too long in an airboat. It's just ADD retards.

You wouldn't get it.

Attached: Half-Life 2 canals gameplay.webm (853x480, 2.78M)

>t. 40 y.o basement dweller

you had to be there...

What’s your top 3 FPS games

I love the HL2 pistol

So is the schizo still at it? How long has it been anyway, like nearly two years? I wish I had the screenshot of all those anti-HL2 threads he spammed over the period of a couple months.

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you kinda had to be there for this one. or be poor as fuck and unable to run much else besides source games on your pc. either or

>Doom not technically proficient

i have arcane wisdom like a wizard

I guess Albert Einstein also "aged like shit" since hundreds of scientists refined and expanded his theories so much in the past 70 years.
Kys you faggot.

He still seethes after all these years.

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>gaben is literally albert einstein

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Gaben didn't make HL2 all on his own, it was Valve as a whole.

what possesses someone to act this way? is autism that powerful?

Sometimes I wonder what compels him to go through such herculean lengths to try and prove why the game is shit

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Christ what a retarded faggot. Did Gabe smash his moms puss or what

i've never been super into fps games. it's not my favorite genre. my favorites are probably metroid prime, l4d1, hl2 (especially ep2), and halo 1 in any order (metroid prime would probably be first though)
even with hl2 being a personal favorite of mine in that genre i don't think it's one of the best games ever though. it's great but i think you have to understand the level of hype people associate with it. i don't think it's so great that people should build shrines around it and worship it. there are better games out there.