This is Yujiro Hanma, Baki's dad

This is Yujiro Hanma, Baki's dad.
He is a hidden character in the game Garouden Breakblow.
He is coming after you. The last character you played will protect you.

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I think I'm fine

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i think im fine

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is this achievable natty

When's the next series coming out? Should I just give up and read the manga?

that would be so based to see, but only if there's some wacky reason that Kiryu could even touch Hanma

yeah, manga is kino but quality drops a bit during musashi arc

kiryu gets shot,stabed,blown up and gets back up like its nothing idk wat the other guy can do but unless he got a machine gun i dont see him winning

Yujiro can't even beat a door.

Don't you have a BLM protest to get to Yujiro?

uh, I guess he can get the abnormalities to fight for us like guard dogs or something

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Yujiro is Baki the Grappler's one punch man. He punched an earthquake into submission because it was interrupting an argument with his son. Ripped apart a polar bear in one blow. Kicked his son so hard he thought he was back in his mother's womb and his son is resident badass. This is in a universe where there's no magic, so he's supposed to be the maximum capacity of human strength and endurance while still remaining human.

RIP badly drawn ogre from shitty manga

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Doesn't Yujiro fuck up an entire swat team and a tank or something

> the ultimate ultimate
Psh, nothin personnel kid

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He storms an entire military base solo when he was a young guy, and he's supposedly a thousand times stronger in current events

how about this one?

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Off topic, but I think Biscuit Oliva is cooler than Yujiro.

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>people unironically like this shitty artists manga where he repeatedly jerks himself over how japan is numba wan and beats everyone

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>meestuh olly-vuh

Imagine letting politics influence what you like. Are you even a man?

cool lets just ignore how every non japanese character gets absolutely shafted to fuck because the artist can't keep his patriotic dick in his pants, like when oliva's feats got changed and he then got analed by some sumo bloke, if you don't see it than you're as delusional as the typical baki fan which I guess shouldn't surprise me

>saying this when Retsu is the best character
I know, fuck Itagaki

I was playing Civ, and as we all know, that ain't enough.

There's nothing wrong with patriotism

Not anymore. Dude is now the running gag to show how the new bad guy is strong

I do see it. I dont care. God forbid anyone feels any patriotism, right? What a fucking mope.

>that narrow core
Lmao this guy would break like a twig

>Muh power levels xD

yes it is when it becomes predictable and boring

What happened? Are all the new villains shitting on him now?

>Serious Sam
I'm ok, Sam would just shoot him.

What's the difference between what you said and playing cawadooty?

all forms of media has powerlevels retard
batman can't fist fight hulk

Pretty much. The new sumo dude fuck up oliva like it was nothing. It was insulting to watch

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My man Oliva was shrugging off shotguns, what does this guy do?

be japanese

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