He bought a PS5 for this

>he bought a PS5 for this

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Other urls found in this thread:


Who cares about minor changes? It's a remake, of course they're going to MAKE changes.

mom said its my turn to post demon's soulless threads

>mixes all the male and female voices together
>doesn't even let you pick a male or female
fuck you we're all not fucking trans



I did, sweetie
and it's her/them by the way


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welcome to the future of RPGs
you don't get sliders or character customization, you pick between two bodies and that's it

the original has a gender slider. so you could make a feminine male. i don't even know what you faggots are whining about anymore at this point


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Why are you people making such a big deal about this?
It is a minor piece of texting fiction for crying out loud.

'push x' to genderate a shitshow preset of rainbow haired clowns; there isn't even a m-f slider they just mash all the options into one giant pool making it annoying and takes even longer

This isn't their game. They're bringing someone else's game to the current gen. Nothing more. There should be no changes, of any kind, that aren't fixing bugs or updating the visuals to the modern standard. Changes to gameplay, or changes that dramatically affect the visual of a character or their personality or their role in the story should not occur. Changes to character creationa re much the same, outside of visual updates there should be zero changes. The default character of the original game should simply be updated to the modern standard, their visual should otherwise remain recognizable.

The problem is that a technical jump already exists.

Why do you make a big deal about the things you care about?
They're minor things. Honestly you shouldn't even open your mouth about the things you care about. Like this. You're opening your mouth about this little thread that is discussing something you think doesn't matter. Therefor you shouldn't be opening your mouth, typing or otherwise expressing a viewpoint on it or its relevance.

That's not a problem. That's just proof of concept. Update but don't change. The end.

So you would rather just have them sell that, which is free on PC?

Everything would've been fine if it was just Demon's Souls at a higher resolution and frame rate with updated online. That would've been enough. Now all the characters look like onions consuming bleeding-hearts and the monsters look straight out of some generic DnD game from the 90s.


Let me put it this way, when I can make money, I do make money. I don't expect others to do differently.

The right is soul caliber character creator right?

So the removal of gender options is perceived as there only being the inclusion of the male gender despite that not being mentioned anywhere in OPs image? What even is the argument anymore.

>GTX 1070
That's pretty impressive.

Didn't you see Sony put up the Black Lives Matter theme for free on PS4 not long ago?

Are you surprised?

Is anyone?


Fuck trannies and fuck tranny subversion

Apparently Vulture is now racist because he’s white and old

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I'm surprised Sony didn't put a rainbow flag in it.

>incel complex


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Oh no how problamatic
I will not be able to sleep after this
The hunger for justice grows in the shadow of my wallet. where my missing money is.


Probably the least bad redesign in the game and it still looks like an amateur mod.

>Bad man Chad
>Boring vanila

Jesus what a trainwreck.

You are part of the minority now chud. Get used to it.

>he bought
I just stole one, mah afroamerican brotha

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