First playthrough of dehr

>first playthrough of dehr
>my dumbass killed some of the dudes in the tutorial area
>didnt get pacifist achievement
>just replayed it
>didnt kill a single person
>didnt get pacifist achievement

i didnt ask for this

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Bump because HR is good game

Gameplay was good. Writing was shit.

Haven't played og deus ex but compared to mankind divided I prefer the story in this one

mankind divided might be good if it was finished

Best game of 2010's.

Mankind Divided was pretty ass. Not Invisible War ass but pretty ass.

True. HR's writing is like normie tier conspiracy theories where the OG goes hard with some black pills.

MD’s main quest has some serious structural problems that wouldn’t have been solved with extra length.
Also all the characters sans Delara were extremely forgettable.

>tfw no insane messiah cyborg gf

It was fucked up to beat the last 'boss' with like 8 emp shotgun rounds on hard.

IIRC NPCs can die when they're ragdolls, be careful with them

2nd best, New Vegas is the best

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You did save her, right?

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>game runs at a nice 90fps, sometimes jumps up to 110 depending on area size
>crashes randomly because of terrible dx12 implementation.
shame that it still does this in 2020.


I did, sir

>Gameplay was good

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unironically makes me wanna reinstall DXHR

It was fine for what it was, literally no stealth game has good gameplay because you're supposed to avoid combat and be, you know, stealthy.

The cover to cover movement was literally intended to make you hard to hit. The actual combat in this game is very punishing. if you get caught standing out of cover for more than a second you're pretty much dead unless you're on easy.

>only combat is gameplay

>hiding behind things in a stealth game is bad gameplay
are you an idiot

IIRC it can count stuff like soldiers falling to their death as you killing them. The Malik mission is pretty notorious for that.

Maybe stealth games aren't for you my ADHD riddled zoomer

Pacifist is too easy when you have like a million non lethal takedown options.

I fell in love with a hanser

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That's a problem with many such games. Pacifism amounts to shooting your enemies with a different kind of gun, you have to set rules for yourself to find pacifist runs rewarding.

>people actually had to break their pacifist playthrough to save her

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You can do a pacifist run and still save her you know