Did 9th century English Saxons really have castles like this?

Did 9th century English Saxons really have castles like this?

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Did you not bother to do even 30 seconds of research before making this shit thread?


That bow looks dumb.

Its pretty based that you can duel wield shields in this game


No. Alfred the Great was the one who started the castle building campaign after he defeated the Great Heathen Army and mostly it was just walling cities and rebuilding the Roman walls of old Roman settlements.
That's all they were. Walls. They weren't castles like they were suddenly afraid the Vikings were going to start using catapults and siege towers and shit.

I already knew the answer, which is as follows:

Of course they didn't . This game is full of blatant anachronisms and straight up fantasy shit, in the architecture, clothing, and even weapons.
It's a shame they think they have to "pretty up" historical periods to make them more appealing. They did the same shit with the Ancient Greece game and turned it into disney's hercules.

Asscreed has always been mediocre, but at least before they put effort into the settings and you could use them as historical tourism sims. AC unity Paris was literally 1:1 scale with all the monuments and churches being scaled and spaced identically to real life. Oh well.

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