Game that you spend hundreds of hours playing and made you helplessly addicted

>game that you spend hundreds of hours playing and made you helplessly addicted
>you dropped it and your life improved
Post it.

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You already posted it

League of Legends.

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dota 2 changed too much for me. i can't get into it. there's a shop in our own fucking spawn like wtf?

>there's a shop in our own fucking spawn
what the hell

Every idle game

You already did.

It also helps that the game is an absolute dog shit shadow of its former self now. I don't know how anybody could possibly take this game seriously anymore.

>absolute dog shit shadow of its former self now.
What are the worse changes in your opinion? I used to play when the patch 6.78 was a thing lol.

World of Tanks for me. Fuck that RNG P2W russian-bias garbage.

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Talents in 7.00 were fucking awful. But they mellowed out some and I got used to it, even though they're still a fucking terrible addition.

But now that they removed side shops, added the outposts, and added FUCKING NEUTRAL ITEM DROPS, the game is fucking unsalvageable. It's absolutely fucking terrible now.

>removed side shops, added the outposts, and added FUCKING NEUTRAL ITEM DROPS
Holy shit, it sounds like a completely different game. I also hate this new hud they made, old one was so atmospheric.

Good for you op. My only regret is playing dota2 when I could've been doing real drugs instead

the horror

WoW, LoL, and Warframe. Especially Warframe, I was getting way to into the grind for whatever latest garbage was released. When I looked back at all the shit I had collected, and how I barely used any of it, I just felt the urge to stop.

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you posted it user.

It doesn't end there, user. Every player spawns with their own courier, there are healing fountains near the offlane that you can use to regain all your health and mana, every hero has been power crept to fucking hell, the meta for the past few years has just been BRAWL, where after 8 minutes of laning its just a never ending 5v5 where games end like 70-60 kills. It's fucking terrible. Valve has no idea what they're doing anymore.

>He doesn't just play 1 Dota match a day casually add a way to unwind after work
I bet you take the game seriously too thinking it's hard and needs to be min maxed lol
t.5k MMR

Healing fountains were removed years ago

>It's a never ending 5v5 where everyone has 60-80 kills by the end
Guess how I know you're in the sub-3k MMR trenches? Lmao

team games in general unless it's goofy shit like tf2. Things are much more enjoyable when you aren't at the mercy of some random retard(s) and everything is on you. Also makes it way easier to get better

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Jesus, what a shitshow. Seems like the game is much more casual now. I'm glad I quit when I did.


>Healing fountains were removed years ago
They were literally removed this January.

>even though they're still a fucking terrible addition.

its not that bad, this dude is just clearly in lower bracket.

But I will never get those 9k hours back.

>its not that bad
I guess that's why the playerbase is plummeting, huh?

League of Legends
World of Wacraft

I switched to CRPGs and fighting games and my life improved

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>dota 2 changed too much for me. i can't get into it. there's a shop in our own fucking spawn like wtf?
Wasn’t there always???

Smite, it was definitely fun for awhile but season 4 wasn't great.

You already did bro

Call of duty in general

I dropped wow and my life didnt improve