OMG its so nice when game devs lisent to player feedback!

OMG its so nice when game devs lisent to player feedback!

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Life really is stranger than fiction.

Why are trans people so fucking fragile?
Imagine living your entire life finding reasons to dislike something because it ”might” offend someone else.
And lord forbid you say anything nice about a potentially problematic product!

>someone called me disfigured once in middle school so I know the struggle disfigured people go through and can speak for them

Yaaaaaas queen sony finna lowkey deadass lit miss me with that shit

Devil possession. Implacable, want to be called they/them, mutilate themselves.

Name something more iconic then white middle class in their early 20 and having self diagnosed PTSD.

Meh, at this point I've given up to apathy since it seems political correctness will "win out" in my generation. It's pretty amusing having some dumb fake pronoun. I got one of my college class's teacher to refer to me by "nep" and another class's teacher on a seperate campus to refer to me by "it".

Reminder that this will only affect the English version of the game.

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This. Its no point trying to appeal to intelligence with these people. The best you can do is to pretend you're woke yourself and then try to provoke as much SJW infighting as possible by getting offended by what the more prolific trannies say.

I wanna make a game where people just casually call each other faggots and retards just to spite people. I'll justify it by making it take place in the 90s or something.

People would still complain.

Why do you think they have black people and women in WW2 games fighting on the front lines?

>>People would still complain
Well too bad, it takes place in the 90s and tat's how people talked online back then. Just trying to be accurate to the era.

>do better

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Literally ONE TWEET from one tranny causes a 2.8 billion dollar company to change course.

Yet no amount of tweets from sane people do anything.

Really makes you wonder.

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Could you imagine if devs or publishers were this responsive to any other kind of feedback, like with bugs or bad game mechanics?

I play that game every day, it's called Zig Forums.

That's because sane people don't try and destroy someone's livelihood because they're butthurt.

So what's the problem here? Are characters not allowed to be insecure about things anymore?

Pretty shit game but I keep coming back.


They should wear those scars like a badge of honor and not have any kind of insecurities about themselves or face any adversity ever.

The issue here is the people they hire as community people are the same as the shitheads on Twitter so they love to virtue signal and pander

stop, stop, stop, stop. full stop. did a multi billion dollar company really include ableist language in their game? unacceptable. just let that sink in.

"hey devs, community person here. we're getting lots(actually just 1 but shhhh) of complaints about people disliking this ableism thing, you're not ableists are you? please change kthx"

When and how did everyone from Indie devs to AAA multi billion dollar corporations start bowing to these neon haired freaks with a dozen twitter followers? Sorry I've been in a coma, trying to adjust.

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>be me
>actual burn victim since childhood since i got caught in a housefire and was the last person to be rescued due to having my room at the farthest point of the hallway
>always had to deal with other kids bullying me
>always had to deal with teachers treating me like a sped kid even though i graduated at the top of my class
>finally get a break cause high school kids think i'm badass for whatever reason
>collegefags continuously shit on me, to the point where my teachers actually gave me lower fucking grades for whatever reason just because they thought id use the excuse of being a burn victim or some shit
>body positivity movement comes out
>oh hey, i was treated like shit, maybe this'll help other burn victims and parapelegics and other people who would face vicious bullying avoid the fate that i did
>its literally all just a massive cope from fatties
>no actual positivity about the body from any other perspective
>now have to deal with retarded cock chopping trannies thinking they're on the same level as people like me and those without fucking limbs
>now have to deal with those fags tryharding for sympathy because of their attention complex, thus diminishing all the shit people like me do

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Welcome to Biden's America.

Maybe we should start doing that. Clearly threats and violence makes things happen much faster.

>always had to deal with other kids bullying me
Does this really happen in the US? I'm from a nordic country and the kid in my class who was missing an arm and having half a face disfigured wasnt really bullied at all.

Americans like to gossip about others. In other countries people just talk to each other without having backs turned

were now disableists

Incredibly bold claim that only Americans talk shit about one another behind their backs.

niggers not knowing their fathers

do you know how easy it would be for an indie dev to pull the opposite and make a somewhat normal game, maybe have no gender option or something like that then add only male and female options in a later patch? Just cater to the "basedboi" edge crowd and make your game more and more tilting for the SJW crowd.

>uh excuse me it's totally unacceptable to point out that i'm a fucking man in a wig and a dress how dare you

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get a life, chud.

>lower fucking grades because i'm a burn victim bully who graduated top of my class

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>When and how did everyone from Indie devs to AAA multi billion dollar corporations start bowing to these neon haired freaks with a dozen twitter followers?
Since they infiltrated the western video game industry.

He might believe he prestiged better because he had therapy to lift his mood

Fortune favors the bold

The fuck is even a chud?