I want to know if Bakugan and Hakoniwa Explorer are any good
William Morgan
started stardew valley expecting it to be trash. now completely hooked user. autumn very cozy.
want to buy xenoblade chron de soon
Noah Brooks
>what are you playing on your switch? Lately been playing BOTW because my cousin gave me her copy for free since she beat it already. It's alright imo but not my favourite zelda in the slightest. >Do Sony and Microsoft pay off the janjans? Jannies do it for free.
>bakugan Years of memories just flooded back to me. Are you telling me bakugan seriously has a game on the switch???
Luis Flores
>Also, why are the janjans deleting our threads? This is just a suggestion, but perhaps you shouldn't make your threads look like blatant console warring? AKA calling people trannies and faggots and niggers, all for saying that some of the games aren't 10/10 masterpieces. That would definitely go a long way towards the longevity of your thread.
Logan Nelson
>This is just a suggestion, but perhaps you shouldn't make your threads look like blatant console warring This goes against the very core of a snoy
Jordan Edwards
It came out this month.
Nathaniel Roberts
Here's what you do:
>console fanboy comes into thread >starts shitting it up >report+hide their post
What happens, however, is this.
>console warrior comes in >gets everyone angry >people post and other wojaks >thread spirals down
Landon King
>>gets everyone angry >implying it isn't just Zig Forumstards LARPing to shitpost
>A Serious Sam Collection got announced for Switch Redpill me on this series. I've only played a demo of Second Encounter.
Ayden Young
>Zig Forumsirgin doesn't play video games more news at 11.
Luke Powell
Is hacking a switch as easy as hacking a 3ds? I have a launch one that I don't do jack shit with cause the games are garbage. I'd probably use it more as my all in one emulator with a few switch games whenever a decent one releases
Logan Bennett
Replaying Xenoblade 2 to pass the time until Bravely Default 2 comes out.
Ian Collins
No idea but i use a PSP-1000 as my go-to emulation machine
Jaxon Jenkins
Does Minecraft on the Switch run well or is it still shit? Playing some mc with friends while in bed sounds pretty comfy but I don't wanna get it if it doesn't run well
Isaiah Jenkins
Can't be worse than the pocket edition. How much does it cost for switch?
I'm kind of sad Nintendo hasn't kept up with the AC updates enough to keep it interesting, halloween was nice but now there's nothing in the store worth buying
Samuel Green
>$30 Holy shit what a ripoff
Nathaniel Perez
I've been playing a lot of PMD DX recently. Managed to finally get Mew and Celebi.
>metroid 5 Fuck no give me prime 4 already i've been waiting for years now
Luis Johnson
bro its been in dev hell forever, definitely gonna be shit
Wyatt Hernandez
Last i heard they were starting fresh and some of the OG prime boys were taking control. God bro i can't wait i just need a new prime game after the shlock that was 3
Thomas Bennett
i remember you. Never got to answer your question from earlier. Don't buy splatoon dlc it's really not worth. I'm surprised that game is even still alive