What did they mean by this?

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A lot of degenerate retards idolize pagan mythology. There's this conception they have that christians basically conned the entire world into hating fags and trannies and that the whole world was a multicultural diverse fag loving eden of gender equality before christians fucked it all up.

It's mostly brainwashed commies and progressives, which of course are the kinds of people in positions of power in these companies.


That's a very amerimutt outlook. In Lithuania paganist beliefs and customs persisted for centuries after our christianisation and even today pagan celebrations hold more cultural relevance even among regular folk than christian/secular ones.

Christfags are a blight upon humanity.

Attached: 652__027e41.jpg (600x400, 62.77K)

Could you pick a more irrelevant country? It's a non entity.


>satanism, invaded by """neo-nazi""" black metal autists
>atheism, no one takes seriously after the fedora meme
>paganism, will probably be cancelled after normies figure out how homophobic and nationalistic it is
What's going to be the next big larp to dab on Christians?

>irrelevant country
I'm thankful for that. The pozzed western influences are far slower at infecting baltic societies thanks to this. Still doesn't stop you subhuman scum from trying though.

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>Why aren't these vikings devout Christians?

That's not the issue.
The issue is trying to make vikings look like the good guys while they pillage monasteries because ENGLAND WAN MAKE US BE CIVILIZED! The entire plot about Eivor going to England is because Mr. King Viking says, "hey guys. lets work together and not be giant cunts."

Baltics aren’t based or redpilled. They are just anti-diversity because diversity in their country is mostly russians who want to recreate the USSR.

Commie symbols and flags are banned the same way nazi ones are. How about your country?

meant for

Holy shit user at least pretend you don't come from a shithole.

Wow a third world shithole still practices paganism. Alert the press!

Oh user, the only reason you have a stable country and not a bunch of clans fighting over power its Christian/western values. Not that your pagan customs or traditions should be forgotten or despised but you should think twice before you call the very only thing that has managed to bring stability and civility to the world a "blight". You should be so fucking grateful that you weren't Jewed or Arabified.

>You should be so fucking grateful that you weren't Jewed
Your secular christenised nations are the eiptome of Jewified though. Islam, Christianity, same abrahamic kike garbage.

the Jesus man in the trailer was right, vikangs are retards on the level of nogs and can't reasoned with

European pagans were egalitarian BIPOC transwomen before the evil christian monks forcefully converted them

Pagans are closet Nazis.
Change my mind.

And in the end, the pagan cavebeast either got killed by the “weak christians” or they got converted by those “weak christiand”

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Pganism existed for hundreds of thousands of years before falling out of relevance. Christianity has only been around for 2000 and is already being wiped out by atheism and islam.

user if they are the same why do you think Jews have been kicked over and over from those countries? Do you remember the mustache boi with the final solution?

You seem to believe than no other country but yours maintains a connection with their roots, i have bad news for you every single nation maintains old believes trough culture, your specific pagan believes are not as special as your inner snowflakes wants you to believe.

In fact i would bet anything that the very same Christian hate you show its nothing more than the kike influence that you so sacred pagan country its clearly affected by.

You should not shit on the believes of others or hate them based on those, and that's a very Christian believe that no other of the Abrahamic religion shares.

And for the record, burn every single person on that embassy, i believe you have the right to protect your nation and your culture, fuck globalists.

Did you actually play the game? I haven't seen any instance of the game trying to make Vikings look better than Christians.

Unironically islam. People are going to start spouting how islam is the better religion and christianity is old and busted, while not knowing that it's the same god.

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Yes that's how vikings view Christianity

You’re acting as if that means christianity and the christian god is wrong
The end is the same for us all, its just how we get sorted after we die
And about christianity dying out, we’re on the brink of leaving earth, once we’re out of this world its literally impossible to corner a single faith like it is on a planet


? = 2

Thanks, user!