Friend with all the vidya invites you over to his house

>friend with all the vidya invites you over to his house
>but has bully older brother

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Then don't go and tell your friend to straighten his brother out
Imagine selling your dignity for vidya

Play vidya with friend, get fucked in the ass by older brother. Win-win!

user, we just had this thread

>friend has older bro
>get to play rated M games during sleepovers

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Bully brothers usually ignore you and sit on your friend while you watch.

>friend with all the vidya invites you over to his house
>but has bully older sister

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>friend with all the vidya invites you over to his house
>but has parents that get into fights all the time

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>Friend makes the same thread every day

sounds like a porn setup

>go over to friends house
>friend has a nice mom
>friends starts yelling and cussing at her

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has does that lain hairpin even work?

you've never seen a hairpin or what?

this but she was actually an asshole and not in the hot bitchy way

>Go to friends apartment
>clothes everywhere on the floors
>cat fur everywhere, smells of cat piss
>xbox 360 games out of discs everywhere in his room
>pothead brother
>alcoholic dad gets home and starts asking me weird questions
that's the first and last time I went to a friend's house

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>invite a friend over to play TMNT: Manhattan Project
>he's not very good at the game
>I beat him up for that
>the friend says sorry and tries to play better
This really happened, and I feel very bad about it to this day. I don't know what the fuck was wrong with me.

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discs out of game cases*
btw his sister wasn't home yet but she was pregnant and 16

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has does that lain hairpin even work?

How is a 6 year old supposed to tell a teenager who is in his anti-authority fase to stop?

No, it happened multiple times. We'd also play that Double Dragon and Battletoads cross-over game, and Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2.

It sticks to the skin tissue

>tfw she hits you all the time and calls you names and runs away with your stuff forcing you to chase her and then puts your stuff under her shirt and bra

>she eventually starts to play games with you but she plays the longest, she gets 2 or 3 lives to 1 of your's and constantly makes excuses to get extra turns

Very hot.

>Friend's mother is a crazy christfag
>Freely entered the room to start preaching about how we (some random teens on the news) raped a girl and condemning our ways
>I'm like "lol"
>Friend's face goes completely pale as he stares into the void

>tfw she teamed up with your older sister to swirly you
This happened twice. I'm still mad about it.

You better stop fucking little girls user

reminder that rape is only okay when a holy spirit does it

>the virgin mary
>somehow pregnant
>3 black guys show up to the kids birthday with gifts
Really makes you think

Well Jesus wasn't black but a white person with blond hair

We were literally just playing smash 64 and she just walked in the room and was like "did you know that your friends (random people our age? idk) DRUGGED and RAPED a girl?!" Crazy bitch.

not when your that young. I mean looking back I can see it but that's expressly because I'm a Betamax tape.

never had that happen but her friends stuck me and my friend in a mailbox / charity donation bin thing when she donated her clothes

>kept on asking to come over to friend’s place as a kid
>he keeps on saying no with no reason why
>realize years later he was probably being abused at home

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>Go to friends house
>Brother is an unstable alcoholic that goes from asshole to pretty ok at a moment's notice
>Do your best to never irk him, but he'll inevitably get pissed at your friend.
>The console is his brother's. Even if he barely uses it, we have to step on eggshells just to kill each other in Battlefront 2.

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>friend invites you over to play vidya
>insists you both have a platonic shower together

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