Demons Souls: Reforged

Demons Souls: Reforged

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Such as the demons corrupt and destroy everything, so do the americans

imagine being a wojak poster every day for the last year
then one day you wake up, look in the mirror and YOU are a sóyjack now

Garl's armor looks like a fucking soijak, user.

basedjak lives rent free in your head

How the fuck did they mess up the opening so much?
>The music has shitty timing
>The beginning scenery is now all peachy and full of life
>The knight has generic Dark Souls armour and fights like he's from 300
>The skeleton warrior's hit just flings knight through a door instead of blowing away both him and all of the dreglings from just the shockwave
>The skeleton knight doesn't use his other move and there's no organ.
> The vocals don't include the eerie singing when the Dragon God has just about finished opening his other mouth completely
What the hell were they thinking?

No you're just a shitposter, and your brain is rotting from posting so many wojaks.

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left looks better, right looks like an armor set you find on a random corpse and ignore for the whole game

What are you smoking?

What the fuck did they do to the goddamn helmet
How do you fuck up something like this so badly?

Why doesn't the stone actually emit light in the remake

Holy fucking shit this is horrid

All of the cucks on the board today who don't actually have the game are being such bitches. Yeah, Miyazaki's touch is lost. But the game is pretty good outside of that. Who cares if the armor looks different?

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>right looks like an armor set
No shit Retard. Kek


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>the western studio must be american

Muttpoint is American, yes.

People who liked Miyazakis touch care. Don't pretend like art direction doesn't matter, or else you'll only get Doom/Diablo/Zombie Apocalypse aesthetic games from now on.

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Looks fine. You fucks will complain about anything.

The game is good. Why are you going in expecting his touch to still be there? If you want his touch, go play the original. The lore stays the same regardless, and the microscopic details that Miyazakis team put in aren't going to make or break your gaming experience. It would be different if they were making a new Dark Souls game from the ground up, but they are not. Again, the OG is still there any you can play it for free at any point with a half decent PC.

Reminder that you’d bitch regardless of how they made it and that means you’re nothing but a shill. Fuck off my board niggers

These people were payed a lot of money to make this. Zero effort was put into making an even remotely faithful recreation. A bunch of stuff has jusy been changed outright for the worse, and the stuff that isn't outright different is just worse. There's zero reason to not just play the original other than pvp. They didn't improve any of the bosses or fix any janky shit. It's a 2020 coat of paint and nothing more.

it’s honestly amazing how much soul they sucked out of the original product how do you even accomplish such a feat


? = 8

soul vs soulless

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>soijak face
Kill yourself.

> Zero effort was put into making an even remotely faithful recreation.
> A bunch of stuff has jusy been changed outright for the worse, and the stuff that isn't outright different is just worse.
You mean those microdetails that are being shitposted everywhere? Yeah, no. You're wrong.
>They didn't improve any of the bosses or fix any janky shit. It's a 2020 coat of paint and nothing more.
Be honest, you don't even own that game do you? Insufferable jcuck tranny

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no matter what devs did, someone would always complain that they liked the original better
then play the original, lel

>You don't like this?
>Woooow must have nothing to do with all the bad garbage shit in it, you always wanted to hate it

I really wanted to like this but this isn't just one small detail. They completely fucked everything. Enemies and bosses look completely different. Many of the designs that haven't been significantly altered completely lack the artistry of the originals and appear completely bland in comparison. King allant looks like a complete joke in the remake. They couldn't even model his face correctly. That's how little of a shit they gave.

I can play the original while also shitting on this downgrade

Under low lighting they'd look the same. Disingenuous post

Why would I own a shit remake? I played the original on PC for the first time recently and loved it. It's not my fault you have literally no appreciation for artistic quality.

Why do we have literal dumb retards in this board? These fucking retards would laugh at Blizzard westcuck design and then turn into fucking soijaks when they see Bluepoint's westcuck designs doing the same fucking horrid designs.

And you would be from where? Some shithole in Europe?

Lighting will fix the helmet's faceplate being far too big?

Post your PS5 or GTFO

Maybe because it looks nothing like a nasty Blizzard design. Is that too hard to understand?

>The guy who had a huge helmetplate to begin with and carries a half-ton mace around has the helmeplate slightly bigger in the remake, immersion ruined

Are you also going to complain about Allant not having the wisps of hair around the ears too?

What's sad is seeing the game gets praise by the normies

I can think a game is good without being a masterpiece though, unlock a boomner you who is stuck in his ways.

I think his amerifat brain is too small to differentiate between armor.

why would I buy a ps5?

Still looks trash compared to the original

>Zero effort
shut the fuck up lol, you are such a fucking retard, you have put zero effort in, all you've done is click youtube links and read Zig Forums posts, you haven't played the game, you cannot review it, you are a fucking Retard with a capital R

But it's made in America user, not my glorious Nippon!

It's a blank featureless face, how the fuck

It gets praised by demons souls fans as well. Just not the jaded ones here on Zig Forums.

>it looks nothing like a nasty Blizzard design
user, shit designs aren't defined by oversized pauldrons. His fucking helmet is a fucking stoneplate resembling the mouth of a soijak while the original had fucking slits that lets him see shit.

>I really wanted to like this PS5 exclusive
>Wtf why would I buy a PS5?
You clearly didn't want to like it then ahaha you never intended to play it, and you still think anyone gives a shit about your fake larping opinion
"Muh Hurr Durr I really wanted to like this game, trust me bros, I'm not a seething MicroCock faggot"

>user brain so rottes by Zig Forums he sees wojak in everything

It's not about immersion, it completely changes the look of the set. Genuine question, are you mentally retarded? Small details matter when it comes to art design, especially in souls games that have a lot of storytelling through environments and designs. It's not like these are obscure microscopic details, there was zero effort to actually replicate the original design. What we see is an aproximation without any love or care put into it. And it shows.

nigga seethe

>seething namefaggot

How about instead of buying a 2000 dollar graphics card, next time buy an actual piece of dedicated gaming hardware, not a glorified spreadsheet maker full of bottlenecks, and you won't have to come here to complain about games you're too poor to play

Gamplay is unchanged from the original. Only changes are graphical. I don't need to play the game to judge the new artstyle.

>turn some vaguely japanese guy into a mongol

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I even underlined it for you, retard

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>nooooooo the helmetplate is slightly bigger, noooooo the lore is ruined nooooooo the lore mentioned the helmeplate couldn't be more than 15 inches in size nooooooooooooooooo
what a weird hill you chose to die on

fucking BASED

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What slits are you talking about, nigger? He has no fucking slits.
Its literally just a blank face. Plenty of other characters throughout the series can't see through their fucking helmets.

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