Valhalla PS5 vs XSX

>PS5 loads 12% faster
>XSX drops to 1440p vs 1620p on PS5

Teraflops bros...

Attached: Valhalla comparison 1.png (784x491, 524.17K)

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so.... this is the power of 12tflops....

Wow, just imagine what you could do with that extra 1.5 seconds.

> Our SSD is twice as fast they said
> It will load games in half the time they said
> It's what truly matters they said

No shit, the PS5 has a stronger SSD, why are you acting like no one knew this would happen? Also I’m pretty sure the PS5 does a lower checkerboarded resolution than the SeX

But the devs themselves said the game runs at Native 4K on SeX. Either they lied or your "source" is fake. But nonetheless, Ass Creed is shit and only plebs care about it.

Series X does 4k 60fps, PS5 does 4k 30.

> makes a big deal of 12% load time difference
> no one mentions the bigger issue of floor warping on the ps5

you fags dont know anything

A 1500$ GPU can barelly maintain this game at 60fps at 4K. Its just shit optimization by a shit developer. What did you except from Ubishit?

>makes a big deal
He very clearly sounded underwhelmed by the difference, and the new consoles in general at the end of the video.

Attached: Captain Commando.png (2066x1162, 1.08M)

>Sony-ponies celebrating the SSd as gamechanger because ITS SO MODERN HOLY SHIT LOOK HOW MODERN THIS SSD IS
>Less than 1 second difference but 300 Gb less space on PS5


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OP is a faggot.
Fucking Snoys.

the fuck? this is the second game that does similar/better on ps5 and we haven't even gotten real next gen titles yet...

also 4k/120 my fucking ass

For a while I was a bit worried about my performance on PC with my 2070 super but if a brand new fucking console is getting fucked by Valhalla, we know they just didn't optimize it at all.

>PS5 has same performance but slightly higher resolution
hahahahaha 12TF my ass

>checkerboxed 1080p vs 4K native

>higher res
Considering Xbox Sex is the "most powerful shitbox ever created" that's honestly impressive for the PS5.

Second game my ass shill. SeX does batter in Native 4K (pic related) and in Gay tracing. It only underperforms in "High framerate mode" which somehow performs shittier than 4K native on SeX. It's devs being incompetent fucks as always.

kek, snoycels just cant catch a break

4k60 vs 4k30 dumbass
Plus, its native and not upscaled

Told you guys.
Xbox brand and microsoft whole existence relies on lies.
Xbox, just fuck off from gaming market and take your obsolete garbage while you at it.

Attached: 2 times the frame rate.png (853x443, 509.79K)


Lmao, look at the comments section of this video, it’s full of console war obsessed snoys
Why lie?

lmao sony just keeps losing, can't even reach 4K


>xbox does 4K native*
*Dynamic 1080p-2160p resolution

>native 4k
the fact that you faggots believe this when its 100% not true just shows what a meme and a scam 4k is in the first place. anything more than 1080p is a fucking waste of resources

Show Native 4k faggot

>Loads 1 second faster
>Renders in a weird resolution that probably looks worse in 1440p screens
Xbros... we got too cocky...
Snoys are obsessed

Attached: 88AB5623-6543-451B-929F-2F812BE9B722.jpg (812x655, 195.37K)

PS5 is 40 seconds faster than your meme box.
Bear in mind that ac:valhala is ps4, xbox one game so it still has limitation cause by those console hardware.
Actual next gen multiplats, let alone ps5 exclusives, gonna fuck xbox even more.

Attached: rekt.png (807x236, 334.03K)
Why lie indeed?

>MS paid out the ass for Ubisoft to """optimize""" all their titles

Attached: 1602367677004003.jpg (1400x1400, 104.01K)

But SeX version is only slower because of retarded logos at the beginning in this case. OP's comparison is much more objective.

Microsoft shill site is the very source you need when reading about games on Microsoft platforms. Next time you're gonna say that Nintendo Everything is the most trusted source for Nintendo news.

The PS5 version has less splash screens. Also, the Series X has quick resume anyway, where it’ll start up in 8-10 seconds.

Fucking pathetic roaches that can't stand taking the L.


I'm sure Wcc-who is much better m8

It's there to cover for dog shit slow xbox ssd.
Get used to those things since they gonna be pretty common on xbox.

Attached: next gen.jpg (1280x720, 133.53K)

>But SeX version is only slower because of retarded logos at the beginning in this case
Im-fucking-plying they are not there to hide the loading screens.