Ah, the 70s, such a classic time for espionage

Ah, the 70s, such a classic time for espionage

Attached: 70s whiteman.png (1920x1080, 3.95M)

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> I just read your file, it says we're all white men

>I've got just the thing

Attached: 70s whitewymen.png (1920x1080, 3.76M)

Wha' chu' said nigga?

Attached: realass70snigga.png (1920x1080, 2.97M)

is that the original black ops prestige 10 emblem? cool throwback

would you say the campaign is worth pirating whenever a crack happens?

As someone who enjoyed the original for its original semi-realistic sleeper agent shit, no.

Maybe I'm old and the Deus ex machina scenes were different when I was 17 when the original dropped but its like a fast and furious movie.

That's too bad. I used to rent every Call of Duty and beat the campaign but with Redbox stopping their games stuff my only other option would be to pirate. So its probably not worth the hassle and wait.
I really enjoyed the original Black Ops too, which is a shame.

I disliked the beta so I was hoping at the very least the campaign would be decent. The warning signs were there as far back as BOIII that Treyarch had lost their touch, though.

how do you know it's worth it if it isn't even out yet

I'm not quite sure what point OP is trying to make, but what do you guys think of the game so far?

Its been out for 4 hours for Americans and a lot longer for Kiwis. I've already finished the campaign.

Too bad Zig Forums mongrels will hate it because it's new and you'll never get any real chance to talk about the game other than with jaded faglords who hate both new CODs
I enjoy what they've done with the gun sounds, specifically the SPAS12. Best sounding shotgun I've heard in a game by far.
The M16 is some gourmet shit

Attached: ElRRQXuVgAElPoj.png (511x426, 17.38K)

Some places on the planet get things before America surprisingly user.

I actually loved the way modern warfare redid the COD4 story but this shit is trash

the SPAS felt like absolute shit in the beta, sound aside. compare it to MW2's version and the cold war variant feels like you're shooting an airsoft gun (and the damage reflects it, too)

>and the damage reflects it, too
I don't know what peashooter you're using but I've gone an easy 33:10 using just the spas. I thought it felt pretty good, considering two body shots at medium range is all it took to take someone down.

So i can easter egg find (by turning around in the intro) a stoner 63 but the mission is me and a retarded original blackops era AI on streets full of endless enemies that I can't go around.

Modern warfare did this shit so much better

Attached: Got options nigga.jpg (1920x1080, 566.02K)

Is that supposed to be NotRobert Redford?

>shotgun takes two shots to kill
this thing used to be a monster man, cold war neutered it. the difference is night and day

Attached: 1580420946436.jpg (720x720, 26.71K)

>go to youtube
>enter "mw2" and "ownage" and any other terms used in the era
>post sub 1k videos recorded from a camera

what is this game

And why are you crying about it?

Attached: 91BmlS+kNCL._RI_.jpg (1920x2560, 752.99K)

Cowa Doody

Attached: 3521837d9633a3833a6e69b61c7b8e23.jpg (1080x1135, 75.61K)

Request of Responsibility: Frozen Battle

>someone makes fun of my third world english
>u crying haha
Anyway, the games trash

Attached: hahasickgamebro.png (1920x1080, 3.39M)

Is it trash objectively or is it trash subjectively?

reading comprehension really goes out the window here huh?

lmao a guy clipping into the world and getting stuck happened to me more times in MW2019
the hospital level had the guy that gets the gun pretending to be dead falling into the world and basically being unkillable

On realism mode you don't even have to aim and also they copied all of captain price's walk animation from MW (and the SHE WAS GOING FOR A TRIGGER animation) and put it on my nigga sims for this one scene where he walks into the soviet listening post in vietnam

Attached: literal intellectual property theft.png (1920x1080, 3.53M)

Shit like picking up an AK-74u in vietnam and the year is 1969 annoys me. And the fact that they clearly ported the "realism" difficult without the AI pathfinding or difficulty, so I can literally just slide through the map without fighting a single enemy