I am a Bloodborne lore sage. Ask me one question about Bloodborne lore

I am a Bloodborne lore sage. Ask me one question about Bloodborne lore.

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Shut up you obnoxious fucktard.

what is lady maria whispering in your ear when she parries, is she even whispering or is it a smooch

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Why did Father Gascoigne say "Umbasa" in the beta?

Why does the one blood saint get pissed if you accept blood from other saints?

What do you mean?

Does the blood people inject in themselves come from ebret, or from the women in the clock tower, or where

Can you suck your own duck in the alpha

explain to me what yahargul actually was


I believe it's a smooch.
"Umbasa" isn't just a meaningless word, inside Demon's Souls or out. Its meaning is applicable to both Demon's Souls and Bloodborne, it comes from the Elvish "M'basa" which means "to bake / eat bread continuously / daily, so it's probably a fantasy version of the Lord's Prayer, which goes like this:
>"Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."
I don't think it has any significance beyond being a prayer to ward off temptation. I don't think it suggests they're in the same universe or anything like that.
She's jealous.
No, it comes from Blood Saints. That's why Blood Saints exist. Ebrietas was found long after they found the blood.
It's a closed off section of Old Yharnam where the School of Mensis conducts their research, there's not much more to it than that.

okay so then why is it hypageon goal at one point and then its yahargul at another

i miss your threads. i haven't been in Zig Forums in a long time but i remember your comfy threads(if you are the same user).

How are blood saints made

do you miss /bbg/

what's bloodborne?
always heard about it, never fucked to learn anything about it past the basics.

whats your elevator pitch to get me into the game?

>its a smooch
I heard that the animation is different depending on your characters sex but I always play a girl in BB because IMO the Hunter is canonically a girl.
Is the animation actually different?

I sold my copy years ago but feel like getting back into it
What's a fun build bros?

That's like asking "Why is it the Empire State building at one point and New York at another".

The Hypogean Gaol (Underground Prison) is just a section of Yahar'gul. It doesn't change.
Thank-you user. I am the same person usually, but I've seen an Impostor Lore Sage one time.
It's never specified, they're "treated" in some way. I imagine it will be something involving blood ministration.
I never browsed it.
I'm sorry friend, but this is not a question about Bloodborne lore.

it all happens in the same night though

thats simply not true. its the same location in its entirety. somehow in a single night the sack men, dogs, and pigs get replaced by skeleton carts, bone wolves, and bell ringing women for no reason

Is pthumerian elder jewish? I've killed him exactly a hundred times and he hasn't dropped a single cold abyssal that didn't have a shit negative, like why the fuck would i ever want a fire gem with minus damage to beasts, or a bolt one with minus to kin, like jesus fuck just end my suffering and drop me two of each with stamina cost up.

I'm not sure I understand your question. Are you asking why the area is destroyed?

whats some cool bloodborne lore that would convince someone to play the game then

Why can't the PS5 run it at 60fps

y do you feel the hunter is canonically a girl?

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Okay lets go back.

Bloodborne happens entirely in one night.

You're trying to say that Yahargul and Hypogean Gaol are different sections when both literally share the exact same map. So, in one evening, something happened that turned Hypogean Gaol, an area inhabited by sack men, dogs, and pigs into an area inhabited by skeleton carts, bone wolves, bell maidens, and a few Amygdala.

There is more to it than what you are saying.

Hypogean Gaol is an area in Yahar'gul, the enemies are replaced because Rom is killed, revealing the unseen (in the UNSEEN VILLAGE) and the Mensis scholars are conducting a ritual.
Not even sage-chan but this is basic shit.

does your mom know youre gay?

I don't think it's different, but to be honest I haven't checked so I don't know.

Where do I find the lyrics for every song?

I just feel a girl suits the aesthetic better, and that cover art attire looks to good on a woman to NOT be designed with a female in mind.
I mean
>thigh high boots

why do you make this thread all the time?

literally where does all the blood come from

tell jsf to make more dark souls and bloodborne solo content

No Yahar'gul is the whole area, and the prison is a location within that area. Yahar'gul is a site of mass sacrifice and when the red moon was beckoned the bell ringing women appeared to summon the dead.
They're not available to the public.

ah I can see where youre coming from