Name some games with SILENT FEMALE protagonists

Name some games with SILENT FEMALE protagonists.

Hardmode: No Metroid, Portal, or "Choose Your Gender" games.

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La Mulana 2.

Attached: chara_lumisa.png (504x347, 335.36K)

>those high heels
fucking retarded artwork, at least skimpy armor knows that its skimpy, this shit is just nonsensical

nothing wrong with high heels

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Female knights are nonsensical.

Why isn't she bottomless

How does that mail even work, what the fuck
And why isn't she weaing anything under her plate

>Chainmail going into buttcrack
Why not just do like a chainmail miniskirt and some leather shit underneath? What a weird way to design it.

Didn't notice that lol. Is it some armpit fetish shit?

Half-Life: Decay has two (2) of those.

Attached: decay.png (600x900, 723.42K)

imagine the dangleberries on that chainmail


>silent female
thats an oxymoron

>chainmail ass
>not skimpy

Unreal, Noita, Touhou


I realized that the gauntlets have chainmail on the elbow bend, so she apparently has seperate chainmail sleeves too. Maybe thats artist error? Seems just like such a weird design choice.

>kardia of rhodes

What happened to this artist? Why did he stop?


A hat in Time?

>butt sucking in the chainmail
that would be so incredibly uncomfortable

>Woman that is silent

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High heels were originally designed for war

Coomers can't draw sensical bodies and outfits for shit.

Fascinating, I never knew. I always wondered what possessed people to create shoes that suck for walking. They were made for horse riding all along!

>He hasn't awakened to the superior taste that is female horse riders

I don't play fantasy games

>This female warrior is not realistic!

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Can we for once discuss aesthetics without going into this argument?

Attached: Where to you think we are.png (1920x1080, 1.03M)

OP's pic is literally horny art


its because they don't have anything this support bad coomer design other than 'its hot' so they opt to just post jaks

Be silent "woman"

Kardia is ment to look lewd

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