What graphics card are you using to play your games?

What graphics card are you using to play your games?

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Right now, a 1080ti which is still fine for 1440p 120fps
Cant say what i will use later, as who knows how good cards will be in another 4 or so years

it will still hold it's own against a rtx 3060 probably.

I'm on i7 6700k / 1080ti and it ain't enough for 3440x1440p 120hz. Want to upgrade to 5800X / 3080 but there is no stock.

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1080ti. Will probably get new rig next year once AMD shit's out their another disappointment and nvidia the 3080ti or super or how are they called nowadays, so i can compare them all.

>1440p 120fps
Tell me your secrets.

i've never had a graphics card but i'm getting an rtx 2060 soon :)

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why not get a rtx 3060 if it's soon?

godspeed user

Vega 56 red dragon. Haven't felt the need to upgrade yet.

lol more like red faggot

1070 ti. It's okay for what I use it, I use a large 60hz tv as monitor so I don't need crazy framerates and can prioritize resolution. Would like to upgrade for VR though, the horsepower required for a good experience has been seriously underestimated. 980 recommended my ass.

GTX 1060 6gb.
Doing great at 1920x1200 60hz.

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those supposedly aren't coming out until january, i can't wait that long


5700 XT atm. It's pretty good for 1440p I suppose. Waiting to see what AMD's new offerings bring, and if will actually have stock. 6800/6900 XT is a very tempting upgrade

Have ordered 9 minutes after release, to this day haven't gotten one. Just canceled the order.


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>want to buy top of the line gpu
>but the weaker one has cuter little girl on it
>don't want to make her cry
PCbros... you said building your PC is easy...

Looks fun, how's the gameplay?

>RTX 2060 (used to be a 750TI)
works fine for me, but i'm researching in upgrading at the cost of ~400USD really soon. The Ryzen 5 2600 is my go-to atm for less bottleneck, and a new MOBO/RAM.

Any microATX recommendations? It needs at least one m2 slot for the one i already have and preferably more than 4 USB slots in the backside. im not sure what im gonna do that's useful with the old parts honestly

my trusty 980 it can play everything at 1080p

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Right behind ya there with my R9 290. No reason to upgrade yet.

Her effort into making the fans spin and enduring the heat is showing her love for you.

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Extremely satisfying, varied and fun.
It has more "quiet time" than most competing titles, as exploration and environmental challenges are part of its main charm, but it tends to kick into a full-blown Starship Troopers mode once in a while. The game also naturally funnels players to co-operate, and even the newbie greenbeards have something they can do to be credit to the team.

It's easily the best co-op action-game I've ever played, and I've practically played all the big names out there. Got ~850h clocked during this single year alone, and I play with buddies almost daily.

Attached: Rig Party.webm (640x400, 2.69M)

>Building a computer for the first time, have always been a prebuilt-let
>Want a 6800xt as my graphics card
>Know I won't be able to get that shit at launch, no big deal. Gives extra time for custom cards and drivers and shit to release and be sorted out
>Know I won't be able to get anything even two-three months down the line because of just how hard Nvidia shit the bed with their gpu launch, plus bots and scalpers in full force as per usual

I just want to upgrade from my old ass gtx 1050 prebuilt, anons. I'm perfectly willing to shove the old (current) GPU in as a placeholder until I can actually get ahold of a 6800xt, but who knows how long that'll take.

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that's awesome, user! i really hope you enjoy your card. :)

...and just to be clear:
the game's called Deep Rock Galactic.

Attached: GOD DAMN WALLS.webm (1548x624, 2.84M)

Bruh It's the best online game of the year.

Is the 2080 super good?

>put generic anime girl on the box
>weebs now want to buy it