The games sbmm intentionally nerfs your recoil and damage slightly everytime you have a good game while keeping the...

The games sbmm intentionally nerfs your recoil and damage slightly everytime you have a good game while keeping the enemy teams output (because they just had a bad one) the same.

Attached: images (3).jpg (213x236, 11.44K)

This game also runs and looks like shit on PC at the moment. Why can't games launch fully fucking working anymore.

pc gaming

Based desu.

No more tryhards ruining matches going 100-0. Now everyone has equal amount of fun

Cawadoody is a franchise that appeals to bottom of the barrel casuals, who would have thought.

Ive got 8 hours before download is complete. For3st CoD I bought since Blops2. Just glad the future shits gone now

How much of a failure does someone have to be to think like this

You're lying right?

No everybody is having this "coincidence" where even going on their k/d for past games it always follows a pattern of 1 good game / 2-3 awful ones / repeat and those bad ones it is always as if your bullets do x3 less damage than the previous match

It cannot be a coincidence that this is happening to everyone and that the game happens to "lag" like this immediately following a good match where the game plays normally

That's literally some casino-level shit. They develop an algorythm to make you both frustrated and interested enough to keep playing and paying microtransactions.

The best part is that on their internal stats it looks like the system's working because everyone's got (strictly enforced) 50% winrate.

It's pure evil. But they've been making literally billions from mtx from modern warfare alone so naturally they went overboard on the sbmm manipulation with this one

not true

based sbmm working the obese CoD smarks into a schizophrenic shoot

>0.03$ have been deposited into your account.

Where is the proof for this?
Hopefully I can convince my friends to refund call of shitty

Attached: 483FF368-7E23-4530-AF5A-A454E362440F.png (998x1080, 1.12M)

Goddamn the campaign is dogshit

It's the only good part lol

feel free to provide a source of your claim

>$0.10 have been deposited into your account.

This game froze on my PS4 Pro in the campaign. Serves me right for buying a modern western AAA game, I won't make that mistake again. Just wanted to relive some 2010 nostalgia since Blops 1 was my last CoD.

You suck man, get over it. When put up against decent players, you cant compete. Its not 2006 anymore where the vast majoritly of fps players were 12 year old retards and niggers, people know how to play now

There's your problem. Not excusing the developers releasing on that console, just that it was never gonna run well on previous gen

feel free to provide a source of your claim

>source: dude, trust me

how much do I have to point out that this is the dumbest conspiracy ever to receive a dollar in my goyim account

Just went 35-6, can't wait to get nerfed to the ground the next two games now lol

Yeah, have been 90th percentile in every shooter of the last decade and a half, yet now magically suck now.

They're making billions off the sbmm formula, you're just stupid enough to have faith in them not to stoop this low.

>reddit spacing

>fun communism
That's going to be zoinks from me scoob

You wasted your money.

Maybe the netcode just sucks?

Also are you the same shitters that just want to pubstomp and are afraid of Skill Based Matchmaking?