Ubisoft games on PC no longer have achievements

>Achievements will not be available for Assassin's Creed Valhalla on PC, instead with the launch of Ubisoft Connect our new titles will use the Challenges system in place of Achievements.
Ubisoft is still shit.

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Achievements are ableist. Not everyone is able to get them, user. Please be more respectful to the gamer-challenged

If you like achievement so much go to reddit
They got awards, internet point etc you will love it

i knew even as a kid ubisoft made just soulless garbage. can’t understand how people can enjoy their games

nothingburger. nobody with a functioning Brian cares about achievements

Ubisoft is still shit but who gives a shit about achievements lmao

ubisoft are shit but who the hell cares about achievements?

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UBISOFT is the most souless game company ever created. Its even worse than FIFA and Monkeyball games. How the fuck do they manage to make such souless games im suprised.

People who still buy Ubishit in 2020 are mentally ill.

Apparently people was using the coins from older games to get 20% on newer games and Ubisoft didn't like that, so they got rid of the system for any non multiplayer game released less than 3 months ago.
Even AC Odyssey got fucked.

>I hate popular mechanic that have been a standard since gen 7

Achievements and trophies are for poorfags getting assurance they got most out of the game for their buck. PC never needs it since games are overally cheaper and goes to sale pretty more frequently.

What are challenges, some kind of microtransaction shit? With UPlay points unlocked through achievments you could at least buy games or DLC.

Oh no no no no my precious cheevos that nobody but myself care about.


>Epic is genuinely ruining PC gaming, since they now also took the Ubisoft games so no new releases on Steam, which means no achievements either. Ubisoft and Steam were finally working together really well, putting achievements in both Origins as well as Odyssey, but now that's over. Thanks Epic.


and that's a problem how?

yes i'm glad we agree

That's actually a really good move.

Regardless, achievements are for drooling retards who can't play the game unless the game tells them what to do.

Achievements killed easter eggs, cheats and unlockables for the purpose of replayability in one fell swoop.

who cares about achievement?

>Epic takes all the shit companies on board
>Take them all down with them
Based Tim

Epic Games Store has achievements, though. How... how do you not know that?

no one cares zoomer

Nigger achievements aren't "mechanics".

But yes.

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How *would* anyone know that?

Actually DLCs killed those.

I don't think I ever gave a shit about any achievement in the first place. Out of all things you could blame Ubisoft for...

Achievements gave rise to player analytics, which were the worst fucking thing to happen to video games. No longer would devs do anything cool with NO IDEA if any player would see it or not which incentivized putting development in places that THEY wanted to, rather than what they thought players would do or see, they know exactly what percent of the amount of players got the "Achievement Unlocked: inspected 500 individual blades of grass" achievement. At worst you have the Baldur's Gate 3 scenario where the devs are being really retarded about the way they are broadcasting the shit their players are doing, and at best you have a set of analytics that means literally fuck all and does not get paid attention to.

As a result, the easter eggs found in games became either non-existent or very safe, and shallow busywork collectable bullshit became commonplace because "why do I need to reward the players for doing this task? they got an achievement for it."
I also suspect publishers use this as a way to justify what money gets put into what, which is fucking BORING.

Let's pretend all this developer-side shit doesn't matter for a moment though. What do achievements actually add to the game? Do you really need external validation that badly? All they are is something that pops up and says you did a thing, which can often straight up break your immersion. The only time it hasn't, was when Portal 2 used the "The part where he kills you" achievement to serve a joke. Whatever you thought of how funny the joke actually was, it still used the achievement as an almost in-universe tool to serve what was happening, instead of giving you a checklist of busywork.


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Achievements must go.
And so must Ubisoft.


>like two/three years ago we saw major publishers abandon Steam
>now sony/microsoft are on steam
>Bethesda/Epic exclusives/EA are all back
>Ubisoft still insists on no Steam and fucking Stadia

okay but why?

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its also a reward structure for brainlets that are happy as long as the screen starts glowing.
what used to be unlocks for doing a special feat is now just five penis points to your counter.
points you could get in any other trash game with zero effort.
DLC paved the road for cutting content to resell it to people and achievements are the bad fix to fill the void. And retards eat it up.

it's the same fucking thing with a different name.