Sonic Heroes is one of the better 3D Sonic games just by being a 7/10 and yet it is hated. Why?

Sonic Heroes is one of the better 3D Sonic games just by being a 7/10 and yet it is hated. Why?

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I tried it and was bored to death in less than 2 stages

Would be nice if the let you pick which characters you wanted instead picking teams

you have autism

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Because you have to beat the same overly long levels multiple times each, it's lazily padded and is boring.

How cream used to carry big the cat?
I have given you the only thing anyone actually needs to experience from the game.

That guy killed himself

>Not follow me

its level design has nice ideas but it still has way too much go forward to win hallways, a lot of times padded with enemies.

Despite the levels being more open than in SA games they go out of their way to make the pacing less satisfying, mix that with how glitchy it can feel and you get a game that's neat to play once, but not 4 times in a row like they wanted you to do.

>no chao garden

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People hate Team Chaotix' route.
People hate listening to Team Rose.
People hate replaying the same shit over and over.
People hate dying bullshit deaths.
Sonic Heroes is the best 3D Sonic game.


actually? how do you know



>ywn her mom

He posted a depressing post that showed he really was insane about that character then stopped posting altogether. It was in the general

>rails barely work and you will die to them dozens of times
>makes a level that is only rails

This game hates you

Ross likes it

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The frog stage was the best

Literally everyone hated Heroes gefore hey hey game dungeon man made a video about it.

>based boomer gamer had to show autism sonic fans the light

Has some good levels, but the game's unpolished as hell, and a few dumb balancing choices brought it down. It really needed a sequel to iron everything out.


Having sex with Cream!

As someone who hates the game, you're wrong. There were defenders for this game even before then.
Ross didn't even like it that much as a game, he just has a big thing for good looking worlds, which admittedly Sonic Heroes has, which is why they keep bringing back Seaside Hill and Ocean Palace.

I didnt save it, it was weeks ago, go ask the sonic general if they have it. Though that place is hell and you will likely be ignored.

Heroes shows perfectly why sonic levels should never be longer than 3 minutes.

>rouge outfit
you could've just said so

Attached: SA2 Rouge.png (1286x1948, 1.02M)

Amy's team is the most fun for this reason even though it's stupidly easy.

It showed it by having Team Rose being the most boring team because all the levels are short as hell?