Games with shit-tier lores

I will start with Warhammer 40K:
>Khorne is the Chaos God of war and murder, however he is NOT the Chaos God of death, that is Nurgle
>Khorne followers take pleasure in violence, this is different from how Slaanesh followers take pleasure in violence.... because..... uh.... reasons
>it is also different from the way Orks enjoy gratuitous violence and war..... because.... uh.... reasons
>Khorne loves killing the followers of other Chaos Gods out of pure hatred, but this is different from the renegade Chaos God Malice, somehow
>Khorne prefers you kill powerful people, but not somebody TOO powerful because that would be changing the fate of the world, and that's what Tzeentch does

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Please follow suite.

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at least refute a single statement they made you daft cunt


Why does Zeus FUCK if he's not the god of sex? Checkmate, polytheists.

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>the only way to die is through death or murder

>why doesn't a setting made to be confusing, has constantly conflicting stories, and is just an insane backdrop to sell plastic figures 100% logically consistent

more importantly
>why are the chaos gods so chaotic?

Taking 40k seriously is stupid.

>Khorne is the Chaos God of war and murder, however he is NOT the Chaos God of death, that is Nurgle
He represents the glory and violence of war, not death itself. Nurgle represents entropy, the end of all life, the return to nothingness and all that.
>Khorne followers take pleasure in violence, this is different from how Slaanesh followers take pleasure in violence.... because..... uh.... reasons
Slaanesh represents hedonism and excess, it is different from just bloodlust, because Slaanesh revels in the sensations that bring pleasure, while Khorne just likes violence itself
>it is also different from the way Orks enjoy gratuitous violence and war..... because.... uh.... reasons
Orks are failed war machine experiments created by the Old Ones and they also have their own gods
>Khorne loves killing the followers of other Chaos Gods out of pure hatred, but this is different from the renegade Chaos God Malice, somehow
Malal/Malice isn't canon
>Khorne prefers you kill powerful people, but not somebody TOO powerful because that would be changing the fate of the world, and that's what Tzeentch does
Khorne doesn't stop anyone from killing powerful people, he just likes violence, and the greater the violence, the better.

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You can always count on WH40K autists to defend their game

Anything to do with wars.
Fucking boring.
Fuck high fantasy/sci-fi.

well said

now that we have the bait taken care of, lets talk warhammer games.
how are chaos gate and final liberation? which is better?

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>Ares is the god of war yet hades is the god of death
Wtf gayreek mythology

>Making shit points
Warhammer fags ooo ooo ooo aaaaaa aaaaa aaaaaa

No need to advertise that you have a low IQ and shit tier reddit taste

You so clueless that there is no need to, you're retarded and wrong on everything you said. Please kys you so y gulping faggot.

>>Khorne is the Chaos God of war and murder, however he is NOT the Chaos God of death, that is Nurgle
Khorne is about glory, Nurgle is about the end.
>>Khorne followers take pleasure in violence, this is different from how Slaanesh followers take pleasure in violence.... because..... uh.... reasons
Slaanesh piggybacks off of it. This is why Khorne and Slaanesh hate eachother.
>>it is also different from the way Orks enjoy gratuitous violence and war..... because.... uh.... reasons
Khorne adores Orks.
>>Khorne loves killing the followers of other Chaos Gods out of pure hatred, but this is different from the renegade Chaos God Malice, somehow
Dubiously canon but I like Malal a lot.
>>Khorne prefers you kill powerful people, but not somebody TOO powerful because that would be changing the fate of the world, and that's what Tzeentch does
Honoring multiple chaos gods at once is a fairly normal thing, even if unintentional.

>The elders scroll 4-5
>The witcher
>Dead by daylight

You forgot to say that basically anything a sentient being does powers up the Ruinous Powers minimally, but shit is amplified if such actions are knowingly acknowledged/dedicated for them.

Asks to refute statement
Bitches about the response

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Really, you typed 4-5 instead of 4 and 5?

>Refute my points
Time to dilate

Is chaos gate any good ?,i love turn based tacitics games like JA2 , 101 the airborn invasion of normandy or wages of war buisnes of battle

>>Khorne is the Chaos God of war and murder, however he is NOT the Chaos God of death, that is Nurgle
Right, dying of old age is far more common
>Khorne followers take pleasure in violence, this is different from how Slaanesh followers take pleasure in violence.... because..... uh.... reasons
Diffrence between a serial killer and someone into hardcore bdsm
>it is also different from the way Orks enjoy gratuitous violence and war..... because.... uh.... reasons
Worng, orks just do it for gork and mork, also khorne have a pet ork named Tuska
>Khorne loves killing the followers of other Chaos Gods out of pure hatred, but this is different from the renegade Chaos God Malice, somehow
Malice is aparsite that leech power from the other chaos gods, so it's not different
>Khorne prefers you kill powerful people, but not somebody TOO powerful because that would be changing the fate of the world, and that's what Tzeentch does
Stated nowhere, khorne absolutely want to kill the emperor if possible, so does every other chaos creature

Imperial Brainlet doesn’t understand how Chaos works

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>death in 40k
he's life and death in 40k BUDDY
Also if were talking about Khorne being a stupid mess in 40k, why doesn't he let psykers join his cults? Sorcerers make sense they're the setting's versions of wizards, but psykers are literally using something they are born with to fight like a snake uses it's venom, how is that any bit less fair than Khorne giving his followers inhuman strength through blessings?
Am I seriously supposed to believe Khorne doesn't moisten his panties over Bloodangel psykers tearing up asshole in melee fights?

>Khorne is the Chaos God of war and murder, however he is NOT the Chaos God of death, that is Nurgle
Khorne is god of spilling blood, rage, murder and shit, war is where it happens more. Nurgle is god of entropy and stagnation, not death. Even after you die there are bacteries and shit which he loves.
>Khorne followers take pleasure in violence, this is different from how Slaanesh followers take pleasure in violence.... because..... uh.... reasons
Slaanesh is about excesses and you fap to spilling blood instead of spilling it then you are Slaaneshi
>it is also different from the way Orks enjoy gratuitous violence and war..... because.... uh.... reasons
Orks are their own old ones' battle fungus, their gods and souls and emotions are different. Khorne has a planet with 24/7 respawning orks fighting his daemons for shit and giggles.
>Khorne loves killing the followers of other Chaos Gods out of pure hatred, but this is different from the renegade Chaos God Malice, somehow
Every chaos god fights the other, but Malal is about destroying chaos, even Malal's followers fight each other because they're chaos cultists. Also Malal is not canon
>Khorne prefers you kill powerful people, but not somebody TOO powerful because that would be changing the fate of the world, and that's what Tzeentch does
That's just stupid thing you pulled out of ass

And that's a good thing, cope lorelet.

>makes a threat
>calls others autists for replying

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Well you know not everyone hates fun even here

No. That's his wife. I will also pre-emptively point out that neither of them define the concepts they embody, and both concepts existed before either deity was born.

anything from Blizzard.

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