What to expect?

What to expect?

I'm one of the people who play COD for the singleplayer only.

Attached: Uten navn.jpg (1200x750, 257.79K)

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the same crap

campaign sucks and lasts like 15 seconds, sorry to tell you

3 hours long campaign

watch a review before you buy, duh

probably a fun time for yourself if you enjoy playing CoD for the singleplayer
but you're signing a death warrant for yourself by asking the niggers here on their opinion on games considering no one actually plays games and instead shits on them blindly

Didn't they drop the single player campaigns or was it for one game only?

that was Black Ops 4. would be hilarious if someone bought that one for singleplayer.

Skins are broken in Warzone which is pretty lame right now.
At least they are for Kreuger.

>buys CoD for the singleplayer
People like you still exist? Is this 2007? Holy shit.

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All of the games released for pc have a single player except COD BLOPS 4.

chose the non binary option

japanese games are trash

I have no idea how that pertains to anything.

japanese games are trash

Not him but, I genuinely want to play modern warfare JUST for single player because movies like Sicario are my favorite, and this campaign plays like a movie. Too bad I'd have to pay for multi-player as a bundle.

literally the exact same shit since 2007 but now bloatware.

you don't play video games
opinion discarded

western games are trash

Kinda mad that I had to log in to a separate Activison account to play the game.

The whole point of a launcher is that it should handle shit like that.

Played a few missions, so far very very good, beats any cod campaign i've played out of the water (haven't played bo2 or IW yet and everyone says those two are the best)
It feels like they actually tried to do something different this time, but it's still very cod-like and bombastic

Fuck off racist scum.

japanese games are trash

games are japanese trash

it seems like a bunch of games are actually coming out now
ive not paid attention at all
anything interesting?

trash are japanese games

Is there a way to download the campaign only? My decision to buy it depends solely on that

are japanese trash games?

Not with Bnet launcher, nope.


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but just so you know, the campaign alone is 42gb.

This but bigger install size.


I bet you run around shooting people, take cover to regen health and watch cinematics from first person perspective.

Do you by any chance know the size of campaign + high res assets?
I really don't give a fuck about all that extra stuff since I play other shooters

the HD assets are an extra 80~gb which blew my mind

>no lean
>handful of weapons
>somehow they made the aim assist even more pronounced so console players actually have a fucking advantage against pc players (seriously it's the most pronounced aim assist i've ever seen)
>actually doesn't look half bad
>zombies look fantastic and so far is actually pretty fun
Mixed bag, will be fun playing zombies with the boys.

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Just beat the campaign on realism
Got the bad ending
Pretty good shit