I'm 27 and starting to skew fat because i always used to walk a lot out of necessity until now...

i'm 27 and starting to skew fat because i always used to walk a lot out of necessity until now, and i never really enjoyed 'working out' unless it was a side effect of whatever i was doing, or like hiking.

should i get this ring fit shit?

Attached: ring-fit-adventure-switch-hero.jpg (1920x1080, 720.32K)

i realize it sounds like a shill or bait, but im drunk and just want help

If you're just looking for something just to get a bit of exercise then yeah, a Ring Fit is fine and do the job. But if you actually want to lose weight then you'll need to focus on your diet more.
You can't out-run or whatever the fuck it's called with a Ring Fit a bad diet.

Ring Fit is great, will help you make other changes like drinking less soda and fast food.

Yes, as long as you do diet, Ring Fit is really fun

never really soda'd, and i've been cutting down fast food for a while now due to body starting to really feel shitty from it. not that i don't ever, and i by no means have a super healthy diet or anything, but i think i may go for this

ring fit is great, if you want better and more elaborate video game workouts just get that $300 oculus and play beatsaber and other workout games.

Samefag: i'm 28 years old and i play loads of DDR and beat saber for my cardio and aerobic exercise.

More like FLING SHIT adventure am I right lads. but seriously I just bought the other day in hopes to burn some fucking flub off, so yeah you should get one too.

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DONT FORGET. Diet >>>>> Exercise. You can't outrun chips, instant ramen, baked goods and fast food.

Thanks for the reminder user

don't eat any of those things. last time i had a burger even was in like march and i never liked sweets for the most part.

beer though

Exercise science/trainer user here.

Ring Fit is GoTD and one of the most important electronic/entertainment products ever produced. I give it the highest recommendation that I can give any product.

Don't do the "mountain climber" exercise in the game and cheat it by using the joycon in your hand. It's a bad and unsafe exercise.

Literally liquid bread

and genetics>>>everything. you could try your hardest and still be a fat fuck.

This is factually wrong and a common defeatism. I was 320 pounds when I started, and im very genetically biased to getting fat. I have lost 130 pounds and counting from diet and exercise.

I took this before and after JUST for you. The science works, eat better and exercise and you will lose weight.

Attached: before and after.png (1132x972, 1.53M)

>and im very genetically biased to getting fat.

you aren't. nobody really is. fat people are fat.

grats dude. get a haircut

This game will keep you moving in terms of cardio. This game has no way to emulate decent weight training though, so you will not get muscles unless you do the weight stuff separately. The game did help my endurance, and Ive started eating way less and drink more water.

And you still have a weak chin/jawline. Genetics. Are. Everything. Losing weight doesn't matter if you still look fat. I'm average weight and I still look fat.

this. 90s hair doesnt look good on anyone

I once convinced a guy on Zig Forums to cut his super long metal hair that he had grown for years. it took an entire thread. he claimed it was "his identity" and i convinced him he was not samson and his strength was not in his hair.

I hope his life got better. He said he made $200k as a software developer and couldn't pick up women.

Don't worry about the weight lifting weights. Just get moving and focus on your diet. Start small, the formula for losing weight is really simple and it genuinely adds up over time.

you can sit on your ass all day and still lose weight if you just fix your diet you fucking fat ass

No you aren't, fat ass


Ring Fit doesn't actually help. You will burn out on the game in a few days. It's very light exercise.

>This game will keep you moving in terms of cardio. This game has no way to emulate decent weight training though, so you will not get muscles unless you do the weight stuff separately.

EXSC trainer user here again. Completely backwards. Ring Fit does almost nothing for you in terms of cardio, and is exceptional for its core workouts and resistance training stuff for people with lower levels of fitness.

>the game has no way to

You've never played it, so don't offer your input on how you *think* it works. Go do a warrior 3 pose for me and then press a fiberglass reinforced ring together for several minutes.

I've been working from home and i'm growing it out to get cut later. Relax gentlemen.

Hitler would have dealt with your shit genes long before you had to suffer the effects of it. Look at how pathetic your way of thinking is in the first place. Instead of going out and running a few miles a day you decide to opt for a stupid-ass videogame that is going to do nothing for you other than validate the misnomer that you can be barely active and lose weight at the same time. Meanwhile you're stuffing your face with garbage and "hurr I don't soda you guys why am I fat" excuses as to why you're a walking bag of diabetes. You want to lose actual weight? Start doing pushups, situps and squats every day. Complain and bitch about how much it hurts and that you're "obviously going to die from all this exercise long before the betus gets you" all you want until you live to 90. Then decide if it was worth it when your caretaker decides that you need to see a dietician for how severely underweight you are.

Look at all the fat fucks in this thread who are body-positiving you into the worst mindset ever, fucking disgusting. If it were up to me I'd round all you chubby-fucks up in a camp and have you perform slave labour until you're fit enough to escape. Video games are going to do nothing for you let alone these idiots who think it's okay to be nice to someone for the sake of being nice. You ever see a drug user kick the habit because of how nice their environment was about it? No you don't. They quit because everyone sees them for the waste of space they are. It shouldn't be any different for fat fucks, but lucky for you half of earth's populus shares your obsession with mcdonalds.

Genetics have jack shit to do with the fat stored in your body. If anything bad genetics are a motivational support for you to visually see just how lacking you are in exercise. The only difference is that it's going to take you more exercise than someone with more decent genes to lose the 69 babies tied to your waste. Big fucking woop, deal with it by doing more pushups.

>It's very light exercise.

again, incorrect. go do some flutter kicks, tree pose, etc for me. go do the bow pull exercise in ring fit with your weak arms. you've never played it.

All the genetics in the world won't be able to keep your fat cells full if you aren't eating enough to sustain them.

>you've never played it.

Yes, I have. It's not fun. The light setting is boring as fuck and running in place for 5 minutes doesn't do anything or burn any calories. Maybe 40 calories.

The other exercises are just worthless. You'd be better off lifting weights and doing squats.

Attached: okayringfit.jpg (1210x1613, 708.88K)

EXSC user here. wrong.
Exercise/Fitness>Diet>Genetics. Genetics play almost no role unless you are disabled in some way.

good thing the game has 4 different squats.

you set the difficulty to 1, never raised it, and never played anywhere in the game to unlock more difficult exercises. the game is designed as a program for very unfit people and you need to keep going to unlock more stuff.

>you set the difficulty to 1,

No, I didn't. 1 was way too easy. I ended up exercising for over 20 minutes once and it told me I burned like 90 calories and I felt a little tired, so I went and did weights and crunches and sit ups.

Ring Fit isn't fun. It's tedious and wastes your time.

You gave up after using it for 20 minutes never having unlocked any exercises or seen any of the cool levels or bosses or done any of the rpg stuff. agree to disagree, and i'm the one with the degree and the ACSM training certificate.

Burning 40 calories in 5 minutes isn't even SLOW you pig-headed FAGGOT. I burn MAYBE 120 calories per mile I run which takes 8-10 minutes to crank out. At that rate you're burning nearly as fast as running at 6.3 mph and 190 pounds.

Don't listen to the retards here who think dieting whilst keeping the same level of activity is going to do anything for you before you hit retirement. Your body doesn't know about your attempts at trying to lose weight, all it knows is that it has to survive and will keep as much fat stored as it realistically can. Only by moving and doing shit can you force your body to burn off some of the fat in order for it to keep going. Your body is obviously going to make you feel like shit over it which you quickly need to learn to ignore. The only thing you need to mind is when the aching becomes so severe that it might debilitate you from doing more exercise tomorrow. That's when you make the excuse to "slow down" i.e. not stop and give your body what it wants which is the exact thing that is going to kill you: Tons of carbs and other garbage that it can easily process whilst shooting up your brain with nice hormones over how cool of an owner you are.

Today could be the day that you decide that your body is actually a retarded piece of shit that will get itself killed due to the way people live their life right now. Either you start taking care for it and stop some of the retarded desires it has, which include sitting on your ass all day and stuffing mcdonalds in your facehole, or you watch as your body slowly destroys itself in an attempt to "survive" as terribily as it can. You want to make it to 70 you're going to have to start being a real asshole to it and do all the things it would prefer you not to.

Every time you're out of breath, your back aches, your feet hurt, you feel like vomiting over running too much that's a moment of well-deserved victory. It means your body is suffering over what you're doing to yourself and eventually going to be forced to adapt to the "absolute ridiculous" crap you're doing to yourself. Which means less fat, more muscle, a better cardiovascular system and a lot of other benefits your body doesn't understand.

Not true, you'll still develop fat if you're sedentary.

You physically cannot store fat if you are metabolizing more than you are eating, even if you are sitting.

RFA is very light exercise. maybe if you play a few hours you might burn 2-300 calories at the absolute max. note that by few hours I mean the time spent exercising, not in the menus and dialogue scenes.
>b-b-b-but it makes me sweat and pant
doesn't matter. flutter kicks are difficult on the muscle but they are not using calories, same for tree pose or whatever meme exercise you want to cry about
>muh squats
you cannot do enough squats to burn a reasonable amount of calories before your quads give up
maybe if you ONLY jog then you might burn some calories, maybe

from where? inhaling it from the atmosphere?

My buddy says that he did nothing but RingFit and dieting and these are the results.

Attached: ringfit.jpg (1741x1920, 395.53K)