Why gothic series is so underrated in america?

Why gothic series is so underrated in america?

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because it's jank trash


You need to be a slav to fully appreciate Gothic's comfy atmosphere

Unitedstatians are too dumb for its controls and story.
Kill yourself braindead faggot.

Is it actually mainstream in other regions? I was under the impression that they're considered cult classics everywhere.

Gothic Remake made by THQ trannies and faggots will be completely soulless.

Because it's PC only game in 2002, the time when mutts were only playing mario and ps1. Even now only 25% of mutts can turn on pc, let alone start a game. 0% of mutts can launch a game from something else than steam.

straight answer? because it's trash

you need to have german levels of autism to enjoy it

They can't adapt to the gameplay.

That's funny because Steam has sold me more broken games than any console manufacturer.

It's shit. Fallout is shit but Gothic is utter shit.

So just like TES?

The zoom is strong in this thread

Already had other rpgs

Souless VA.
Polish, Russian or German all the way.

This guy is the absolute fucking retard.
Finished Gothic and made whole video about it without realizing you can use fucking MOUSE to play the game.

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shut the fuck up OP
gothic has and always will be german jank that crashes every second
it's objectively bad

>crashes every second

oh god no, i forgot it belongs to thq now. they already fucked up spellforce 3...well at least it wasnt worse that 2.

The complete lack of any direction yet unable to go anywhere in the very beginning is filtering my add brain so hard I'd rather read a book. Stalker is like this too.
Is the game actually like this or am I just not giving it a fair chance?

this filtered my first playthrough as well. i tried again years later and actually listened to the conversations. they tell you were to go and what areas to avoid.

What do you mean? You are just throw into prison colony with simple task to deliver message to fire mages in old camp.

>complete lack of any direction yet unable to go anywhere in the very beginning
Stop with lies, faggot

Attached: Lies.jpg (600x450, 60.5K)

You are just retarded.
Literally just explore shit and do quests/kill stuff. If area is too dangerous, you are probably not meant to go there yet. Game is pretty easy actually and THROWS stat boosters at you, especially lategame, where you become a fucking God.
Basic tips for 1:
>Invest in weapon skill early, being able to chain combos means easier stunlocking and DPS on enemies, especially monsters.
>Humans usually are the most dangerous ones to fight. You need to learn the system before tackling a single one.
>Save stat boost potions, food etc. for the very end. They increase them but also increase the cost of further advance.
>Magic is strong but very risky in this game, every spell takes some times to cast and the strongest AOE in the game is like full 6-10 seconds to cast.
>Do every quest for every faction possible but do not join them. You can always do it later.
>Do not be afraid of going warrior first, game has enough LP to switch to mage and max it out once the opportunity arrives.
>If you have not enough STR or damage, you won't deal a SINGLE POINT OF DAMAGE to enemies outside of crits.

Too poor for PCs
That's why they just bought N64 and rented games instead

schizo post

It's not underrated, if anything it's overrated. It's a janky Euro-RPG with a functional storyline and really fucking awful combat.

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>really fucking awful combat.
thats Morrowind

It has the best atmosphere out of any western RPG, easily.
Morrowind would be better if it didn't look look complete shit with draw distance of 5 meters and had some actual landscapes.

in USA?
Out of all the countries in the world we probably have the biggest chunk of PC retro gamers.

RPGs were always been niche as fuck, especially on PC, especially during the 90s, especially for an german game, and especially for a game that had zero advertisement.

Was this game even popular in Germany?

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about as popular as morrowind. i think the pollacks loved the game for some reason.