VR Games

Getting a new vr headset soon
What are the best vr games Zig Forums?

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The Quest 1 / 2 is a commercial failure due to it's lacking game library and status as a standalone headset that provides niche indie experiences that are fun for only an hour or two, before the headset is refunded.

The Index is a $1,000 product for an already extremely small market, with only a single AAA experience to sell it, the so called "killer app"

Every other headset is cheap chinese trash that breaks in a week. VR is a gimmick, and will never catch on. Spend money on something worthwhile instead of some phone screen strapped to your face.

Shemale porn.
You can literally see her cock bobbing up and down on your stomach as she rides you.
All we need now are smell emulators and I'm home.

Blade & Sorcery (beta update fixed performance issues)
Pavlov VR
HL Alyx
Vox Machinae
Iron Wolf VR
Robo Recall

Honorable mentions:
Sairento VR (yanky)
Star Trek Bridge Crew (needs friends)

Beat Saber is pretty fun.

Thrill of the Fight is a neat boxing game.

Gorn is fun as well, comic-gorey gladiator sim.

Half-Life: Alyx is well worth it.

Super Hot is a must have as well.

Panoptic is a great little asymmertrical Multiplayer game. One Player in VR, one on the PC.

Same goes for "Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes".

Seated experiences I enjoy is pretty much any racing game.
Project Cars 2 and whatnot.

Euro Truck Sim 2 as well as American Truck Sim are comfy as fuck.

Elite: Dangerous is superb in VR, the sound design is just so well done too.

Space Pirate Trainer is another neat little VR Wave Shooter.

Budget Cuts is a great VR stealther.

People also seem to enjoy Skyrim and Fallout 4 VR versions but I never bothered with them.

just spend $150 on a shitty wmr headset and once you see how much of a shitty gimmick vr is you can return it

Unironically just beat saber

Dunno about you but these sour grapes are rather tasty. You might feel better after dilating

My favorites:
> Untill you fall
> Robo Recall (play it with ReVive if you don't have an Oculus headset)
> Half life Alyx
> Serious Sam TFE,TSE,BFE VR
> Boneworks
> SkyrimVR with mods (Here's a great mod list for VR: docs.google.com/document/d/1RaLGgGMBzsIynYFoU-VoPaZc2u0cI0QnATfKnl6iyWM/edit also include forcepull_VR, it's great but not listed in the mod list because it's very new).
> Beat Saber (not a huge fan but a lot of people really like it)
> HyperDash
> the original Doom, VR port
> Minecraft VR with Vivecraft
> Koikatsu VR
> Google Earth VR is a great experience if you enable the real life scale option. I like wandering around bumfuck nowhere Antarctica myself.

If you are a pussy about motion sickness, i recommend trying Robo Recall, Half life Alyx, Untill you fall and Beat Saber first.

Enjoy the ride, user!

>The Quest 1 / 2 is a commercial failure

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Are those views in the hundreds? My fanfiction from 2008 gets more view than this.

I'm not done yet.
>The Index is a $1,000 product for an already extremely small market

Attached: Index sells out ALMOST EVERYWHERE during Alyx launch.png (556x552, 79.54K)

imagine being so obsessed with trannies that you somehow bring it into discussion about a failed market product

I'm trying to have a normal discussion you idiot. Don't you know what artificial shortage is?

how's the VR edition of pic related?

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Play Into The Radius.
Become cheeki breeki.

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>sjw shit
trash like the original

Absolute state of Facebook supporter, jesus christ.

Artificial scarcity is one of the biggest copes posters on Zig Forums make, you fags tried to explain away the success of the Switch with that and now you try the same with VR. Which is fair game with the Index admittedly, but not can't really be applied with the Quest 2 at all.
>I'm trying to have a normal discussion you idiot.
>parrots the phone screen meme anyway

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You ARE an idiot. Statistics can be used to prove anything if framed properly. "5X more popular" doesn't in any way prove it's popular.

How about this. Let's discuss the vast library of games that aren't gay tech demos and actually surpass what's currently on consoles and PC.

Despite not being made for VR, and the latter having some performance issues, both Skyrim and Fallout 4 are pretty solid experiences.

FO4 has the issue of your gun is floating and having no arms is slightly immersion breaking, but it's also a mod-able experience where you can crank the damage to being closer to reality, download your own TARDIS mod, have companions, and *eventually* we should at least have either FO4CW or FO4 New Vegas to explore in VR. Wandering downtown (the areas that don't destroy your framerate and make you feel like you are in a glitching matrix) is someone I've not experienced anywhere else.

Skyrim is Skyrim; all the mods and all the scope, and throwing magic around with independent hands is amazing. Visiting Bruma in VR was a treat. Moon Path to Elswyr. Plus, you can give yourself a body with VSomethingsomething that auto-scales your head height to the character models head, so you'll always be able to see your body *and* not have to fuck around with standing/sitting bullshit.

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Oh, I forget. One major downside to Skyrim; most older/current headsets have somewhat dull colors, and Skyrim is a grey and dull game already. It can really shit on the atmosphere of being in the game, so make sure to install a mod that makes things a little brighter and raises contrast and color, unless walking around a constantly grey and washed out 2011 enviroment sounds like fun. And replace the ground textures with something higher res, they are amazingly shitty in VR.

>Let's discuss the vast library of games that aren't gay tech demos
statistically speaking, more than a mere handful of over 5000 games have to be something more than mere tech demos
and this is only games on Steam, not even including anything on Quest's store

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H3VR is a gun simulator that has a rogue lite mode thats the most fun shooter in VR I've experienced.

has anyone tried Realms of Eternity
I'm thinking of trying it out since it's only $10 and looks cool but I'd like to hear what anyone else thinks

just got ps5, it makes psvr even better Tbh, i came from slim so jump is huge. squadrons looks clear af, cant believe resolution only 1080. also psvr has best vr games, only missing alyx. pcvr mostly shovelware

>mfw i bought a fucking quest off of an ebay scalper for 500 bucks 3 months before the quest 2 is announced.

The fucking quest is now 200 bucks and less on ebay, and the one I own is sitting in the fucking closet after i completed the only worth-wile experiences on it. I know i'm the fuck up retard for buying it, but also fuck VR. It's gonna be a few decades before it's worth buying this shit.

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>spending 500 dollarydoos on a fucking quest

There's really not that many good VR games, I literally play only Pavlov now

H3VR is what happens when you let a gun autist with 0 game design skills make a game. There's a shit load of guns but it's not actually FUN

Watching Zig Forums get mad about VR will never not be funny.

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Go ahead and play your arena and shooting gallery sims for the 200th time.

I’ll be having fun with my new ps5 for the next 5 years and while you can go and buy the next “VR Upgrade” for $400+ that is coming out each month.

I’ll just be having one system that get constantly updated with new games and when the new psvr comes out in 1- 2 years I’ll be having an already established massive catalog while you seeth in VRchad with a no games PCVR that you’ve spend 1000$ on

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>a console gamer

see >VR already has 10x the games next-gen consoles have
cry more

Now your are just pulling shit out of your ass. I can also just count all the games that came out for all PlayStation consoles since 1999 and call it a day.

>people aren't buying VR headsets in the middle of a global pandemic and recession whilst they struggle to keep or find jobs and pay their rent

>Watching vrfags cope about vor will never not be funny.

out of all the things you could come up with, that argument is what you pick?
holy fuck user
now show me how many of those 1999 video games you can play on your ps5

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>article from months ago before Quest 2 launched

excuse me sir vore belongs in the

>people aren't buying Consoles in the middle of a global pandemic and recession whilst they struggle to keep or find jobs and pay their rent

Just admit that the general public don’t give a shit about VR and that all the producers of VR has created this artificial out of stock shit just to increase price and demand.

Look at consoles they are fucking selling like warm bread even in a pandemic and economical recession.