I think i've finally created a good game design document for an RPG game like Fallout / Metro / Stalker, Etc

I think i've finally created a good game design document for an RPG game like Fallout / Metro / Stalker, Etc..

I'd just like to clean up any issues by opening the floor to you Zig Forums to suggest whatever you want and my studio will mark them down and update our document accordingly.

We won't be posting the document itself to avoid doxing but you know when you see the game.

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rape incest and futa

Very customizable religion.
The ability to forcefully convert people to your own religion.
Many different outcomes and religious mechanics.

Actually. We've got that covered.

Post the doc you fag

this plus pregnancy and minus futa

That term is offensive but we will have several trans characters.



Hahahahajhajahahahahhahahahhahahahhahhahhahaa what the fuck hahaha what a piece of shit of a game

do you honestly think if OP has design document, it will be anything but retarded and reddit spaced as his post?

Willl they commit suicide at some point in the story, once they realize they will never be whatever is the opposite of their actual sex?

What I honestly think is that there never was a design document of any sort and OP was just shitposting

please kill yourself before you release this travesty to the world

please stop all this transphobia and buy my game as an apology.

i'm not playing no damn game with transvestites in it

Actual supernatural shit, instead of 'it was just a radiation monster lmao'.

10/10 shitpost

Extremely in-depth cannibalism with a man butchering minigame.

this is now a bugsnax thread

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While we're on the topic of shitposting, perhaps you can explain since your the OP of this thread..

What do you think of a expansion / dlc model?

We've decided upon a system that allows for people to buy an expansion that adds actual meaningful content to the game.

Like when you were younger you buy an expansion and it actually adds content to the game.

dlcs would be reversed for trivial content like skins but we're unsure if we should just package skins in an expansion as we make them or just release them as they are made.

Elaborate. Ghosts like Metro? Experiences from explainable phenomenon like a gas leak?

post it or fuck off
or are you afraid of journos seething like they did about thq nordic ama? do you think that the target audience of "an RPG game like Fallout / Metro / Stalker, Etc" cares about that shit?

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>While we're on the topic of shitposting, perhaps you can explain since your the OP of this thread..
>We've decided upon a system that allows for people to buy an expansion that adds actual meaningful content to the game.
Who wrote this poast?

>implying radiation monsters are not supernatural

>Elaborate. Ghosts like Metro? Experiences from explainable phenomenon like a gas leak?
Strange shapes half-seen through the mist that don't correspond to the usual creatures in the world. Otherworldly sounds can be heard in some place that no one can identify and seem to have no source. The ground vibrates as if an army was walking underground.

Eldritch shit in general.

OP. I was watching your shitposting from earlier. Why can't people just check IPs?

Why did you call someone else the OP of this thread?


So, Doom 3 has something like that. You'll hear a voice in alpha labs saying *over here*

something like that but more fleshed out?

yeah, that's a good example. We want to capture a feeling of unease like when you play a G-mod map alone.

Is OP replying to himself? Why do other posters itt use the form "we" and talk as if they were in the design team? Am I the only person itt who isn't one of the developers?

user, anyone who keep talking that they got some cool game idea never got shit done.
I was stalking some projects with similar talkative devs and after some time they end up being cancelled, frozen or silent.
So stop wasting your time writing this shit and go to actually devving, moron.