Honest Question (not a shitpost)

Ok anons why do you play videogames all day but not stream/ make content on it. All of you are super passionate about games and talk about them all day on here why not make youtube videos about them instead? If you play videogames all day why not stream or at least record your content and send it to an editor. You are doing it all for free right now and I don't understand why

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Why would I want to be an attention seeking faggot?

Hobby becomes job. Said "job" is not a guarantee to pay off.

Also a vast majority of people here do not have anything worthwhile, or even funny, to say.

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I started streaming a few weeks ago, it's super fun when you have somebody in chat to engage with, but then it's also super demoralizing playing a game to 1 viewer (who happens to be you so uh, no viewers actually) and you don't know how long it's gonna stay like that, could be hours before you get another viewer to click in for 2 minutes and then leave

I make youtube videos to share with my friends. I'd stream if I could get 10 people watching but until then I'll just make dumb videos that make me laugh.

I streamed Battletoads to Zig Forums back in 2007 just to prove it could be beaten without savestates. Got it out of my system, don't need to whore myself out for money.

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Now imagine if you stuck with it you could have been fucking huge by now

Yeah. I wouldn't have gone to lawschool though.

At least you had multiple avenues of success and went down one
I kinda pissed myself in the avenue of success and passed out in the gutter, woke up the next morning and started heading back the wrong way

Exactly lmao

You cannot seriously be this retarded

The games I play would not be fun to stream and I am not exactly talkative

>user on a board for people who ostensibly like video games can't comprehend playing a video game without being paid to
I can't say I'm surprised honestly

I don't even play vidya all day anymore, I just work.

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Why would I want to turn my hobby into a fucking job?

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because i try way too hard to make jokes and be interesting as a personality when i try to do so, it's not good. in the company of friends it's better but at that point i'd rather pass the busywork of producing content over to someone else in the group

it's not that easy but to make it short if you want to make money from video you have to sell your soul and stream in front of childrens

It is unethical and immoral to pretend to be someone's friend in exchange for payment. If I had no qualms about exploiting people I'd just become a highwayman.

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retard zoomer thinks the main reason people play games is to appeal to other people

I have a regular job. Playing games is something I do for fun. The last thing I want is to turn something I do for fun into another job.

Are you a khajiit?

because i don't crave attention like a fucking NPC normalfag

are you a jew?

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I stream shit when I'm on PS4, if anything for archival purposes. My PC is far too much of a toaster to stream there though.

I tried streaming and making yt videos for about a year during freshman year of college but it never took off so i stopped and just went back to playing games normally. I guess i'm as boring as a stick.

>im not already famous
>i have no friends to give free boosts or create content for me
>i dont want to constantly be "entertaining"

i want the money for nothing and chicks for free, thats about it

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i don't play up small bugs laugh hysterically at nothing or talk to myself

>play our game for an hour and we'll give you 30k

the reality is even better

I do though.

This. The 0 viewers is soul crushing