What were they thinking changing it so you can see if someone is on WiFi...

What were they thinking changing it so you can see if someone is on WiFi? I haven't gotten a single match since this started. This is going to kill the game's online.

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Mmmmmm yes seethe piglet. enjoy that quarantine. Mmmmmm yes yes it's so nice not having to play with you faggots. Mm mm yesss yesss oh God yessss fuck you. Fuck you.

I always make sure to wait out the clock when I get matched with a WiFi player. Just to waste as much time as I can before pressing B. I accidentally played a WiFi player today and I teabagged, didn't skip any cutscenes, charges, then left. Mmmmm fuck wifi players and fuck OP

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Then play other Wifi trash, you Wifi trash

>This is going to kill the game's online.
Quite the opposite.

Attached: wifigaymers.jpg (460x306, 22.74K)

dont play on wifi you fucking scumbag you're literally ruining the game for the other person.

they are always saying how wifi is perfectly fine, yet they exclusively want to fight against ethernet master race

It is fine.

How about wififags fight wififags and cablefags fight cablefags.

How about fight me right now. Are you coward?

I don't want to suffer from your wifi lag. I rather fight someone on steady connection, thanks

I accept matches with wifi players but I often regret it.

based, fuck you wifi faggots for selfishly ruining the game for everyone else. About time you got called out.

Based on what?

WiFi faggots are truly pathetic


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>how to trick people into playing with you

Why would you do all this shit that involves even more cables when you can just buy an ethernet cable and be done with it? If for some reason it will not reach, you can do it via one of those power mains adapters which while not ideal are still much better.

I honestly think most of the people complaining are kids who don't understand enough to do it or whose parents won't let them.

>Waaaah i cant rank up with my 2 bar Law waaaaah this game will die now
The online was shit because of wifi niggers like you

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had to be an argenigger

No rematch if you play Akuma, Geese or Eliza. Go play 2D fighting games with someone else.


the problem with this game is that it's full of stupid crap that has nothing to do with skill but everything to do with guessing.... safe launchers , armored launchers, confusing animations, lows that don't look like lows, projectiles, fast launchers hard to react to etc.... like where is the skill here?

now they added another character that can throw a knife projectile across the screen which teleports on hit confirm like where is the skill here? where ?? where namco where?? are we playing mortal kombat now?

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Just looking at the stupid stuff on this profile. His Steins Gate review is truly vomitous.

>the problem with this game is that it's full of stupid crap that has nothing to do with skill but everything to do with guessing

I've played tekken since 1990's and I can see you are very new to the series. Why not trying to git gud instead of trying to make excuses?

What do you mean by fast launchers that are hard to react to? A majority of the moves in the game will be impossible to react to.

If you keep getting bamboozled by same things over and over again, maybe it's not game's fault but yours?

>the problem with this game is that it's full of stupid crap that has nothing to do with skill but everything to do with guessing.... safe launchers , armored launchers, confusing animations, lows that don't look like lows, projectiles, fast launchers hard to react to etc.... like where is the skill here?
i would love to explain in detail why and how you're wrong but the risk reward is awful because i would have to spend like 20m and you can just ignore the post

>now they added another character that can throw a knife projectile across the screen which teleports on hit confirm like where is the skill here? where ?? where namco where?? are we playing mortal kombat now?
that's not what it means to hitconfirm

Not him but it isn't like it was. Movement in general is ass outside of backdashing which is far too good and difficult to stop. The meta since s3 is basically just fishing for counterhits and rounds end in 2 hits. This is leaving aside shit like the lmao just do it and be plus or get a huge covert rage drives that half the cast have. It's a bad game for fundamental tekken and s4 doesn't seem to have improved this at all.

I feel like I can react to more ever since the netcode update dropped
I can block Bryan's snake edge on reaction online now for example

>I no longer have to put up with 3rd world wi-fi subhumans

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>Created by: a turboweeb
Reminder to plug anyone with an Anime pfp

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>your face when I use the handy dandy guide to pretend to be on ethernet when I'm actually on wifi

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3D games are inherently really guessing based because everything revolves around mid/low mixup, compared to 2D where overheads (the equivalent of lows in 3D) are either all easily reactable via jumps or uniformly 20+ frames and reactable if they are grounded. Unlike unseeable lows in 3D even low damage unseeable overheads in 2D games are considered incredibly busted while most 3D players will just say 'treat the low as chip damage'.

Guessing in 3D is just accepted as a normal part of the game while it's generally heavily criticized in 2D. You're just in the wrong genre.

can you still plug on loading screen without penalty?

Reminder that Ethernet over Mains is cheap and good

The only good point you made was about movement, but that's been the case since the game was in arcades and has nothing to do with recent seasons. The rest is just a gibberish word salad you pulled out your ass to try and sound as if you knew what you were talking about

>go from never getting matches
>to never getting rematches

You're still a second class citizen and you will never be a woman

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Are you trying to argue damage hasn't increased substantially since s1 and most viable characters won't now carry you to the wall with their first good hit and then kill you with the next?

>you have to input cancel just to fuckin' move backwards and forwards in a timely fashion

Just delete this whole genre, it sucks ass.

As long as you plug before the match starts you will get no penalty.
As a bonus, the person you plugged will probably sit for minutes waiting for the match to load

>made by subhuman weeb spic

It's better than nrs games though