What's the pettiest reason you've dropped a game?

I turned on Far Cry 5, the fact you play as a silent protagonist bothered me already (it doesn't usually bother me in games but it bothered me a lot with Far Cry 5 as it was always interesting hearing the protagonists reaction the story and characters around them in previous Far Cry games) and then I saw how lazy the character customization was and turned it off, haven't gone back to it since.

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Dropped Dwarf Fortress after realizing that you can just raise a bridge and spend all eternity locked up with your plump helmet farms.
I wanted something engaging, not an integrated cheat code, aka building a fucking wall.
I guess it's petty because the usual answer is "just dont lock yourself up lmao", well, that doesn't fit with my min-max nature.

I get a growing sense of fear and disgust as i load up a game. I usually kill ths exe before it gets past the second company screen. Someone track me down and end me.

fans were jerking off botw so hard I dropped the game after the plateau

Can't skip opening video. Alt f4 and uninstall.

>can't jump up
>only dodge
makes me drop the game every time

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Zig Forums liked it


>Play spiderman on ps4.
>See large faggotflag painted on some building.
Its not something I'd be surprised to see in NY but I'll never visit that cesspool ether

Turn based

I drop games that don't let you invert y-axis. There are few, but they do exist. Inb4 just learn to play without inverting. My brain refuses what the fuck do you want from me?

What, what a rebel.

(Nobody is impressed.)

I am.

Let me guess, you think Mississippi is the pinnacle of human achievement? Also, if you can't play a game with the pride flag in it, enjoy not playing games at all because soon all games will have it eat shit you fucking phobe

I dropped Transistor for the sword's voice. There is something about that voice, that tone, that makes insanely irritated. Like i imagine this artsy pretentious white guy in his early 20s, the type teenage girls would go crazy over, trying so fucking hard to sound like a cool and deep person, enfuriatingly forced "profound" voice. I don't know how to describe it but i'm picturing Ed Sheran doing the voice, i have never listened to his music but i hate his guts, while going to r/atheism and reading the most pseudo-intellectual posts out loud, and there are teenage girls with him and their goddamn pussies melt as he does the fucking voice because they think he is so smart and deep but it's all complete bullshit and it awakens a burning passion in me to curb stomp the guy into oblivion.
That's how the Transistor voice makes me feel.
Anyway, the gameplay wasn't clicking with me and the writing itself wasn't bad it was just the voice that made it unsufferable, i would have probably finished it if the sword spoke like a normal fucking person.

A person I don't like started liking it.

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Zig Forums: the post

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I won't play a fighting game if I don't like the art design. For example: Mortal Kombat, Skullgirls, and Them Fightin' Herds.

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Dishonored, because I was mad at their default control layout.

You'll never be a woman

LOL ok Cletus

>can't read japanese

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He's right tho, you never will be. Everyone around you talks behind your back and laughs about you. Your parents hate you just as much as you hate yourself.

i rage-deleted tony hawk remake because downhill jam

Ruiner, because pressing W makes you go north-east at a not-isometric angle. Absolutely retarded design in a game around dodging enemies in a cramped arena.
Worst thing was plugging in a controller would revert the control scheme to true cardinal directions, so they had the option in the game code already but chose not to include it as a toggle for keyboard

i dropped final fantasy x when that blue haired cunt kissed my missus

Whoever tbsy annoying cunt in Monster Hunter world is killed my interest in the game in the ship ride over to wherever the hell. I stopped playing when you finally got to start playing

Now that's what I call petty, but also very based.

Is this some sort of pasta you knuckledraggers use? You dipshits need to get some new material

I am.

i just started botw and its been really really fucking good and i am avoiding its consoomunity like rape

>my missus
imagine self-inserting this hard lmao

>Not liking Logan Cunningham's voice
Then you hate every Super Giant game since the dude always workds with them.

Your dad thinks that you're a disappointment.

I dropped Genshin Impact after getting to the second big Area, the one that's Geo focused, because the game literally felt too big to me. That and combined with the fact I already wasn't enjoying the game much anymore to begin with, made it easy.

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I dropped FF 13 - 2 as soon as i saw Noel was wearing a pair of the patented "kingdom hearts trousers"

Your dad loves how I fuck your mom good and proper every night

Mississippifag here—at least our air is clean, the people are tolerable, there isn’t shit, homeless, and trash all over the street, and we don’t have to pay $200 for decent food.

Fucking Ubisoft

People only pretend to like you.


Dropped dragon age inquisition because the straight male romance options were fucking shit and I couldn't romance pic related unless I started the game again as a female.

What the fuck were they thinking about having only 3 girls to choose from with only 2 being available if your playing as a straight man

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Oh, and trannies are afraid to come out during the day and aren’t retarded enough to try to force their culture down here.

Mississippi >>>>New York

I was born in Brooklyn

Nobody accepts you.

Idk about mississippi but nyc is definitely a shithole

Wait...you play video games to romance NPCs? jfc

imagine being some scumfuck new yorker
or god forbid californian subhuman

Lots of delicious Red State butthurt in this thread. LOL

Imagine being a tranny. You’re gonna die alone.

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It's ok user. I won't play MK because they have a tranny dev/community rep and they normalize their degen behavior.