*doesn't make a single masterpiece*

*doesn't make a single masterpiece*

The McDonalds of video games.

Attached: Nintendo-logo-red.png (2268x1688, 66.8K)

The bad PS5 launch must have done a number on OP.

Cope. Name 1 good xbox series x and Playstation 5 exclusive, actually do that for xbone and ps4 too

That's because they understand that video games are entertainment, not art.

This is how a dopamine addicted man child copes

>xbox series x
Fable 4
>Playstation 5 exclusive

hurr god forbid making anything better than bing bing wahoo

>Fable 4
*Also on PC
*Also on PC

>doesn't make a single masterpiece
what is super metroid?
what is mario 64?
what is mario galaxy?
what is earthbound?
what is ssbm?

nigga u trippin
enjoy your (You)'s

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What do you play video games for

enjoy your rehashed wahoo man clones
nintendies can literally shit out a fucking turd and you would still buy it because it has subpar mario in it

More like what is ssbm doing on your list

>McDonalds is incapable of a masterpiece

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>also on pc
>timed exclusive
Lmao nice masterpiece that aren't even fucking out yet

Who claims Nintendo games are masterpieces?

They can't meme about Vapebox anymore because their PS5 overheats easily so they're now comparing Nintendo with the thing they know best: fast food.


>food metaphor

Both will be on PC though

Yeah they showed they could with the quarterpounder

based retard

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classic nincel cope

you serious? OoT, MM, BotW, SMB, 64 and the Galaxy games are some of the most highly praised games ever, and these are just some examples

>game not released yet, mediocre franchise
>vaporware with poor track record for the last two decades
Every time

I admit I've only really played the Definitive Edition, but Xenoblade Chronicles is one of the greatest JRPGs of the modern gaming era, maybe ever

XCDE is the frozen pizza of JRPGs

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Wouldn't that be EA?
>mediocre product usually made incorrectly
>insists on offering you additional items or bigger sizes for a cost
>pretends to be a good a sometimes healthy experience when it's obviously rushed out shlop
>often situated near or close to other places that offer better products for a similar price
>treats employees mediocre to bad
>"sorry, our machines are down"
>people still flock to it daily and consume garbage tier product, eager to order the next one for lunch tomorrow

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Here you go, user

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