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Source: lol just trust me bro :))

Has anyone figured out what the Scampuss Soul Core is for? It does like 30 damage and seemingly nothing else. And what's the point of even making some Soul Cores when they're so terrible like Shuten Doji's pathetic flame instead of hair whip or Amrita Absorption?


Stop falseflagging Snoyboy.
We all know there's one more DLC before the Complete Edition.

Just 1 hour left


And how do I beat this cunt? Just use buffs? I've been ignoring those for most of my playthrough so far on purpose to actually git gud.
I refuse to use sloth since that's basically just cheat mode.

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 392.67K)

Not happening, sweaty.

Nioh sold 1 million units on PC out of 3 million units sold.
It is happening after they complete all the DLC.

They'll port the Complete Edition when all the DLC is out. And you're the reason why I'll be flooding the catalog when they do.

You said it yourself. Git gud

when he's in LW all you can do is poke him out of range like a soulschad, if you get close he'll oneshot you with his instant startup grab

I'm trying user. His grab move is bullshit.

I hope it's not that, I don't care if it's on PC, but don't keep a "big" announcement for a port.

>I refuse to use sloth since that's basically just cheat mode.
Stop being a meme following dipshit and just play the game. The game literally cheats and ignores established mechanics, yet you're concerned about random anons you'll never meet bullying you on Zig Forums for using a "crutch" that doesn't even do anything substantial at all.

It's probably gonna be DLC3 AND the complete edition for PC, and maybe they'll release a patch for PS5 support or something, they keep saying a "big" announcement so I'm hoping it's more than just DLC3

I can't remember how the Nioh PC announcement came about. Did they announce it alongside the final dlc announcement or was it later?

>implying I give a fuck what any of you faggots think
This is an anonymous image board you retard. I don't use sloth because I like the challenge. You should try challenging yourself some time.

after last DLC was already out

even though I would prefer pc announcement, it's gonna be 100% a ps5 one

Leaked tweet from someone who works for Koei. It was unscheduled at the wrong time on the wrong account.

It is on sale right now on steam so it does make sense.

Attached: leak.png (880x790, 1.1M)

>ps5 reveal
it would fucking kill me
just drop dead in my chair the moment it happens

Not happening, sweaty. Sony is at WAR.


lol, nice bait

I'm pretty sure is a dedicated PS5 patch lol

>Leaked tweet

No chance, way too early.
They won't announce the PC version until the final DLC sales cool off.
The announcement will be the final DLC, then in three to six months' time they'll announce the complete edition rerelease on console and PC.
If they announced the PC version simultaneously with the final release, some people might not buy the DLC on console and just wait for the PC version instead.

Do people even buy the Nioh DLCs separately? I thought everyone just bought the season pass

PS5 is out, console plebs will definitely still buy the DLC.

So is the announcement going to be a video or a stream?

stream. in moonrunes of course


>until the final DLC sales cool off
I don't think the first Nioh port was even planned.
After its success maybe this time they planned from the get go to release it after the final DLC.

It's still double dipping. Just more organized.

>If they announced the PC version simultaneously with the final release, some people might not buy the DLC on console and just wait for the PC version instead.
Well the port will lag behind the final DLC. Like the DMC5:SE and Vergil DLC for PC. Banking on people that can't wait is seemingly profitable.

10 am est is pretty late in nipponland

If the stream is in JP only, this guy normally translates it live on his twitter.

Friendly reminder that
a. PC gamers hated Nioh 1
b. PC gamers don't want to play Nioh 2 because it's more of the same; improved but still the same core concept
c. The only PC gamers asking for a PC port are platform war trolls who want to shitpost about Playstation losing another exclusive but have no reason to play, let alone buy, a PC port of Nioh

Therefore KT has no reason to release Nioh 2 on PC.

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terrible bait

he does that in every nioh thread

True. We just want snoy to lose an exclusive.

I played Nioh on PC and loved the shit out of it. I unironically couldn't go back to souls because the combat felt so shitty, slow and above all else far too easy. Sekiro is ass too.
Your consolecuck cope is entertaining though.
Keep seething.

shouldn't it be ironically instead?
since you can't go back to the souls game which are probably the reason why you tried nioh in the first place