Playing vidya with someone

>playing vidya with someone
>call something retarded
>hey I don't mean to be a jerk but can you tone it down with the "r word?"

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it's offensive you turbo nigger


>sorry didn't mean to offend you or anyone that has a mental disability
>it's just that I really hate retarted niggers like you and I think the best position for your and your people is hanging from a tree with a rope around your neck

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Based, people with cognitive disabilities like OP shouldn't be made fun of.

Uhh is this the based department?

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How retarded and gay

>Brother is a normie sjw
>When people complain to me about things I typically respond with, "that's retarded!" To show sympathy
>Brother complains about dumb things
>"That's ret- eaaalllyy dumb"
Why do these retards take such harmless words so personally

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because you let them control you
stop being such a cow towing faggot

>im sorry i forgot you're retarded

I don't know how is a bigger faggot - your brother for being a thinskinned bitch or you for bending over for such a trivial thing.

Holy mother of based

I don't let anyone control me, I just avoid causing problems with my brother where I can. Everyone else can eat a dick.

>t. californian subhuman

Because they've had nearly 0 hardships and so something that can be marginally improved is seen as such an amazing and important thing while something that is marginally worse is seen as the worst thing someone can do. Basically they have no perspective.

holy shit kek

>hey please don't say the j word, it sounds offensive to me


>getting triggered over someone who's respectful
Now that's what I call subhuman.


What the fuck, is retarded considered offensive too? I understand 'nigger' but retarded?

Because atleast retarted people are still human.

What word are they going to go after once retard is censored and can make you lose your job?

>video of presentation for Department of Defense about manufactured virus that disables parts of the brain
>human tested and ready for wider population
Video is deleted and told not to post disinformation.
Give a man the truth, he'll hate you for a day.
Teach a man to find the truth, he'll hate you for the rest of his life.

>can't say faggot
>can't say gay
>can't say nigger
>can't say kike
>can't say rape
>can't say retard
what the fuck can you even say

All of them. The goal is to prevent communication. They believe that without communicating an idea it does not exist.

Gosh darn

>what the fuck can you even say
i can't believe you fucking said that

everything can be in insult! just get creative like the arabs do

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>Retarded means "to slow down"
>Gets used as a slur
>Retarded is replaced with mentally disabled
>Mentally disabled is now considered a slur


slur deez nuts faggot lmao gottem

Give it a couple of years and violate, the word that's slowly replacing rape will soon become a no-no word.

>you have been banned for 24 hours
>reason: toxicity

You have to get creative like the Bongs and the Strayans
>can't say faggot - say limey shit-stirrer
>can't say gay - say knuckle-dragging barrel of monkey spunk
>can't say nigger - say fuckface
>can't say kike - say hollywood executive
>can't say rape - say surprise anal sex
>can't say retarded - say oxygen thief

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When did calling things retarded become offensive? Around the same time 'gay' did?
That shit's fucking gay and retarded.