These are currently the best selling games on PC. Say something nice to them!

These are currently the best selling games on PC. Say something nice to them!

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>Age of Empires 2
Based beyond belief that high

>Sakuna and AoE2



I thought Mongs between us is free

>These are currently the best selling games on STEAM*

Phasmophobia is the best multiplayer game I’ve played in years

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>soulless 'definitive' edition
Not based.

Well I mean. If we go out of Steam then the best selling PC games currently are probably AC: Valhalla and CoD.

PC Gaming used to be a platform for enthusiasts that evolved into a consumer cult. If you grew up during the LAN Party era you will understand what I mean, I had plenty of LAN Parties playing WC3, Age of Empires, Stronghold, CS 1.6 you know the drill. Even later we had games like TF2, CS Source, WC3 that had community driven Servers, with all sorts of funny gimmicks and ideas. Now every game has a shitty matchmaking system with a forced code of """honor""".

Now it's just "look I bough this shitty RBG case, look how nice this game looks!!!" It's a platform for mindless subhumans.

The hobby we used to love is no more, at least we can play the old gems and have fond memories. Something you Zoomers will never have.

pc master race indeed

Steam makes up like 90% of PC sales. Nobody actually buys games on Epic or Microsoft's store and only a few weirdos actually buy games from GOG.

Literally never ever lmao
Idiots still preorder the next tortanic are braindead as fuck

>American Truck Simulator
dangerously based


big yikerinos, sweaties
yeah I'll stick with steam

What? It's one of the best remakes ever made, if not the best.
>inb4 muh skellies or muh QoL changes
irrelevant, the QoL changes, especially the one for farming made the game even better.

farmbased and ricepilled


pchads trying to save gaming as usual

it is on phones, but you get ads in exchange

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Why is Phasmophobia there twice?

lol I opened my store and it appeared twice for a millisecond and disappeared
some ghost shit is going down right now

Came here to post this.

Kiss my ass.

Looks good except for Cyberpunk

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NFS Heat is actually really good unlike Payback.

streamer meme bait
trannypunk tier
streamer meme bait

Could be worse.

Nice amount of variety. Seems good to me.

Phasmophobia is unironically one of the most entertaining games I have played in years

>FM and Colorado
We did it simbros!

Is that NFS game good?


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