Whats stopping the industry from developing an open world witcher/Assassins creed level RPG set in the Star Wars...

Whats stopping the industry from developing an open world witcher/Assassins creed level RPG set in the Star Wars universe, but with free costumizable character, kotor level of character development, no mans sky level of traversal and exploration, and battlefront 2 (dice) level graphics?

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It would take effort.

>no mans sky level of traversal
Your post is just embarrassing

Literally nothing but funding. Sadly publishers don't take kindly to games they can't turn a very quick buck on or games that introduce evil amounts of microtransactions.

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And time, and money.

>Boring Empire era

That most customers aren't toe walking autists like yourself.

>i am a teenager and I have no understand of worklife. every programmer should JUST know what I want and be able to do ALL of it!

Look at Mr. Hotshot over here who never fantasized about a game idea.

It sounds like the kind of game that tries to do everything well and ends up doing nothing. Game development isn't a pizza dough, you can't just throw ingredients at it because they sound cool and expect a good result.

cool, dude

And talent.

>costs too much money to develop
>not enough ways to monetize customers

There you go.

with the exception of Star Wars, what you just described is basically what Star Citizen is aiming to be and look how that's turning out.

console hardware and greed

EA is holding the rights and EA has a general policy of not doing prestige projects for franchises where they are not the IP owners.

Basically they don't want to make a game that hypes people up about Star Wars and then lose the rights so a different studio can cash in on the hype

>Assassins creed

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It would take like 8 years and a massive budget, an entire year of crunch and still come out shit because

it would flop

Battlefront 2?
Jedi: Fallen Order?

I get that they're not exactly super cutting edge industry leading stuff but when has EA ever had the desire to make those kind of games. They still publish big games in the SW universe despite not being the IP holder and only licensing the IP from disney.

How are those prestige games? They don't do anything exciting or new and they are orders of magnitude cheaper than their big games.

Jedi Fallen Order might have been the jankiest game published by a major studio in the whole decade.

For one it would take time and effort something that they do not want to do. Half the point of the starwars IP is the fact that anything with its name will sell.

Two. Its far far too soon. They want to milk the IP and that requires them to slowly ramp up the quality and fan service of the games. If every game is slightly better and slight more what the public wants the games will sell like hotcakes every time.

Three is that its a fucking goldmine for monetization. The can fucking go to town. New quests that take a day to make, weapon skins, armor skins, fan service, expansions, you fucking name it they can slap an absolutly stupid marked up price tag on it. They want to save that for when the population is more conditioned and brain washed. They pushed too hard with micro transactions recently and got burned so anything they can save for when its safe to do so will be saved.

The only way I see us getting something so good is if they go full panic mode. If Disney bans them from the IP or their stock freefalls. A last ditch effort to protect themselves.

>why can't
because EA holds EXCLUSIVE rights to make starwars games until the mouse keels over. and as we know, EA is terminally lazy and wholly unoriginal. remember that shitty star wars souls game?

Too hard. Pulling it off would require talent and giving a shit about vidya games.

>I'm an adult and I support the idea of people who don't play games and have no idea what's fun making them
What are you even doing here

Because that's an unrealistic project that would eat up resources like a mother fucker and never make a fraction of the budget back.

>>I'm an adult
cry more, little teenage faggot. your generation is going to be even more addicted then the adults are now, by so fucking much.

How old are you, kiddo?

Was it shitty? I played it twice when new game+ came out.

Too many suits and focus groups involved with star wars, not much actual passion left

older than you, chan addict

Why would they put effort in it when they can just make battlefront 3 and make a shitload of money anyway?
Weird enough that we got Fallen Order, let alone something like you describe.

EA cancelled 2 open world Star Wars games cause they thought the industry was going away from single player games and they wanted to focus on multiplayer

The contract expires in 2023, hopefully a good publisher sees the potential in the license and takes over

Fallen order was good .
And its getting a sequel.

The same thing that stops the Federation from taking over the Universe in Starship Troopers.


EA executives and Disney executives. It will never happen.

EA, what else?


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>Star Destroyers
>just casually hanging out in orbit of a planet
That's not how things work.

That would require Disney not to be retarded with Star Wars and give it out to actual good developers instead of giving it to EA of all places.

Like who?

are you confused about corps? they help eachother.

It is shitty. Especially compared to anything with good combat.

If microsoft is smart they'll jump on it. Or offer to outright buy the IP even if they have to let disney retain park rights.

At this point, literally anyone that doesn’t make trash.
I wouldn’t call games that got a lukewarm reception at best as “helping eachother”.