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something something black yoshi

Wonder how long this hack can get away with making the exact same ADHD-tier "jokes" in every video and raking in actual millions of views

The Amazing Mirror video wasn't funny. Get your dumb parasitic """""friends""""" out of your life

You need to chill the fuck out with that, this is a blue board Kirbo

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Yoshi's Story got me off of him. Not just because of the cringy serious justice for Brown Yoshi, but moreso because he clearly didn't play much of the game for himself, and watched a speedrun or something.

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I liked the Culex reference. Also his last video was pretty good.

I kind of want him to do a video based off of Subspace emissary.

Is Christian kirbo undefeatable?

you're not my friend

Wavedash Fox being dragged by Diddy would be pretty funny.

Probably for a good while. This is the only type of animation popular online nowadays, besides shitty story time animators.

I don't like much of his content but Pelo is based merely for his complete lack of fucks. He really keeps the spirit of old Newgrounds alive.
>mfw that time he made Egoraptor cry on Twitter over a parody of storytime videos, making him look like a bitch for all to see
>mfw it resulted in his former Newgrounds friends/colleagues calling him out as a two-faced backstabbing pussy

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name a baseder artiste

>Pelo is now buddies with Oney
That art video about Mario was great


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>what if psychicpebbles was still 16 and an ESL?
Sr Pelo fucking sucks

Is Terminal Montage /ourguy/?

Is still funnier than any tiktok compilation


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You're in luck because that's exactly what his next project is

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Many of his Something Abouts are speedran versions of the game


>and watched a speedrun
Isn't that how he got popular? I sure as fuck never saw his MonHun videos trend or anything, he hit it big with his BotW speedrun.