Do you remember the good old days?
Other urls found in this thread:
I reinstalled the other day
>Any class can one-shot or two-shot mobs at any given level
>Gameplay is about teleporting around with mobility skills and blowing up giant groups of monsters, even at low levels
>Magician doesn't have magic claw anymore
>Constantly being told where to go by a navigational guide
>There's a main quest that gets you to fairly high level
>All these weird fucking classes that are nothing like the original bunch or the pirates
It's such a different game now
I will say that the link system is a good addition, every class gives a certain boost to every other character after a certain level (like +10% damage, or +10% exp gain for all your characters)
not this shit again.
yes i still play private servers and retail when there are burning events
Reboot? Did you join the Zig Forums guild?
Yes. I can't forget the good old days because you make this fucking thread every other day.
Reboot yeah, and nah. Didn't even know there was a guild in these days and I don't have any interest in the social aspect unlike when I was younger.
You should check it out once at least. Search up Archived in the guild menu, they're cool dudes.
As long as you're mad, it's worth it.
Reminder that you will never spend Christmas in 2006 Maplestory ever again:
>any class can one or two shot mobs
then you get to 210+ when you get into the arcane bullshit and the timegated progression
That's just pathetic user. Shitposting is not a good replacement for discussion.
Don't care idiot, stay mad.
Isn't the endgame at least much better in nuMaplestory?
In old Maplestory and private servers like Royals, it's just an endless loop of Zakum, Horntail, Krexel, then paying some bishop to leech you at the Skelegons.
why are the modern classes so edgy?
>when you're at the class selection screen deciding what to play and this suddenly plays
Kind of, you have gollux, cra, hilla, empress, hmag for the easily soloable bosses. For lotus, hell gollux, and damien you're sucking someone's dick for a carry. The arcane river bosses on top of gear checks require you to have high arcane force to do any damage at all on top of needing a crazy range.
since when is hmag easily soloable and not hellux?
They just bufed gollux recently so hard gollux has hell's old hp and hell's is much higher than before, and you only get ONE gollux attempt per day no matter how many keys you own so if you attempt hell and fail you just wasted your run for the day.
Define good old days because I started in 2003 and stopped in 2005.
Hey, I know ColdHoly lol
no you don't.
What ever happened to Slime Tales?
Selene recently announced how they're revamping warriors:
>In terms of their “core” skills, we have kept a lot of them. Besides, we have given two of the three branches of warriors the crucial, game-changing role of a tank. Yes, tanks will play a pivotal role in Selene - a squad composed solely of glass cannons is likely to fail without the presence of a tank.
Yeah of course. It kind of fucked me up in middle school and turned me into an unsocial autismo, but it was pretty enjoyable.
That's kind of weird. They made Heroes a "support" class. In vanilla Maplestory, they're classic DPS.
Just started on Reboot a couple months ago, played for several years pre-BB back then.
The game is still good now, just in different ways. The timegating aspect in mid-late game does suck though, really slows down progression and turns the game into a real daily grind, but its not so bad when I got a couple of homies doing the same thing too.
The new updates coming out next week should be interesting.
I haven't touched this game since before that Big Bang change. I miss those days spending all summer grinding away. Never got past level 80 though