This was a fun game. I hope the sequel is better. Also, I want to fuck Naomi.
No More Heroes
sequel is shit
surprise, it isnt
The controls are kind of jank, any tips I should know? Like is there a way to dodge easily in crowds and what do I do when my beam katana runs out
>No stupid hub world.
>No stupid entrance fees.
>Better bosses.
How's the control on the switch and emulator(using normal gamepad)? Wanted to play via wiimote but niggers in my country are asking for a kidney
Gameplay gets repetitive, especially towards the later levels, story gets a little too serious at times, money grinding feels way slower in this game, and there's almost nothing to do besides assassination missions and a few revenge missions.
It's still a good game and worth a playthrough if you enjoyed the 1st one, but it's definitely inferior to the 1st game.
>Better bosses
Absolute horseshit, fuck off contrarian
The controls are fine on gamepad.
how can you say the bosses are better and not mention how much better the ost is
If it works on the switch then I guess I'll finally emulate
I'm gonna buy it on Switch soon. I never played it back in the day on Wii.
I just played 2 and I can’t name a single boss from it nor remember a single fight besides the final boss doing a bullshit teleport string and there was a chick who had a song.
I can name almost every boss in NMH and describe all but one fight off the top of my head, having played that less recently.
2 is complete and utter shit, the only notable improvement is the lack of entry fees. People like to say the gameplay is better, but it’s still just a mash fest with very little thought at any time so it failed to actually add any depth.
The story almost feels like it was written out of spite, every girl wants to fuck Travis now, shit like that where it turned into wish fulfillment of the losers the first game was mocking.
>going completely and utterly full retard
Kill or be Killed isn’t even from 2. Even if it was the rest of the OST doesn’t hold a candle to the original.
2's pretty good, user, Naomi has huge tits in it but you hardly ever have a reason to go see her.
Don't listen to the autists here that call it shit, it's a solid sequel which fails to hit the high notes that the first game did, but still has plenty to experience
Best girl.
Fuck you guys Desperate Struggle isn't shit. It's not as memorable of an experience as NMH1, but at least it's short and the music is good. I like to think of it as a fun concert with sword swinging. Play it with music at max and sfx turned down a bit.
why do people hate the PS3 version?
It's good stuff user, the stories not as fun but the gameplay is an improvement for the most part
Do yourself a favor and learn to use each beam katana effectively, it's one of the reasons why people dislike the later levels. Most people assume the dual sabers are the best end game weapon when it's damage output is terrible really meant to be used defensively since it recharges quickly. Bloodberry should remain you're go to for DPS, Peony for crowd control, and Carmilla being the all rounder that really shouldn't get much use.
Terrible performance and really bad lighting.
> Naomi has huge tits
god I want to cum on her tits while she's asleep but chicken out once I see her
>Better bosses.
Not really.
There are a few really good ones but some are really terrible.
If you like Naomi, you'll like the sequel.
After starting 2 the other day, I can see why people that started with the first can find it jarring. The tone is definitely different. I don't think it's a bad thing though.
How does it play on handheld mode? I bought it for my Switch yesterday, but I have yet to touch it. been busy with Sakuna
Are you playing 1? If so, watch their shoulders for movement and then press left or right on the movement stick for shadow step. It's a much better dodge than the rolls.
This is one of the few times in the game we see travis with his jacket but without his glove
I don't hate it but it's a suboptimal way to play the game, especially if you've never played before. Battles in general were made easier and shorter, a good chunk of Santa Destroy was removed (pretty much the entire upper end with the bridge and the basketball court), and the new content is hit or miss.
They also shoehorned some nmh2 bosses in a stupid way that ruins the games pacing unless you deliberately choose to skip them.
The visual change is subjective, I like the shading and some of the colors really pop with it, and I like that they added bump mapping to the jackets, but other parts get really dull and flat-looking without the sharper shadows that the original had.
This is only partially true. You can beat the later levels and revenge missions EASY using blood berry and smart use of ecstasy to kill the more annoying mobs
Plays great handheld. Though you could always kickstand for wagglan if you want to waggle. Gamepad controls are pretty solid.
What's false exactly?
How do you get that fight against the school girl who has a crush on Travis?
I skipped her somehow.
check into the motel after fighting charlie but before continuing on IIRC
In 2?
After the fight with the cheerleader dude you need to fuck around doing minigames and then go back to your apartment. I think they expect you to grind 300k for the next beam katana and then save before buying it instead of going to the next fight.