Game wants the vtuber audience

>game wants the vtuber audience

Attached: 1594016506196.png (441x640, 621.78K)

Other urls found in this thread:

luna.dek when?

Attached: Fruit-Luna.jpg (550x700, 393.42K)

>boss is invincible

Attached: 1599565885352.png (688x1000, 1.5M)

>game wants the jabroni audience

Attached: file.png (421x614, 723.2K)

>game wants the mobage audience

Attached: SkyStrikerAceRaye-DASA-EN-SR-1E.png (478x696, 736.96K)

>this set drops in a month

I hope none of them are retardo expensive, would like at least a single of each.

>game wants the furry audience


Attached: 1601813959507.png (407x593, 455.96K)

cute eyebrows

Why is she stronger than this chad?

Attached: file.png (473x695, 716.89K)

Looks more like Hacka Doll 3 to me

>Game wants the NEET audience

Attached: sm.png (340x497, 346.55K)

A fucking chunk of burning wood is stronger than him


He's probably a manlet.

>same ATK as neo the twink elf

lmao, make way for the true chad of the kaiba deck

Attached: LaJinntheMysticalGenieoftheLamp-LCKC-EN-UR-1E.png (477x699, 667.09K)


Okay loser.

Premium Soul

Attached: AromaseraphySweetMarjoram-CHIM-EN-SR-1E.png (476x694, 775.32K)

Synchros radiate so much soul, I still don’t use em though. Links, and Pendulums, sometimes Xyz.


Attached: SandStone-LOB-NA-C-1E.jpg (400x580, 87.28K)

Agreed. Could you imagine if the yugioh card game started with a bunch of shit-tier loli girls as its monsters? Kids wouldn't have played it cause you'd look like a faggot.

is this SOUL?

Attached: j.jpg (906x593, 258.01K)

Close but not quite

Attached: Sengenjin-PP02-EN-ScR-UE.png (400x580, 600.23K)

The fuck is this?

>Patterned after Omega Sisters


Time Wizard of Tomorrow and Hundred Dragon

furry avatar

Big if true

>that dragon

Attached: 1421302842514.jpg (230x300, 17.6K)

Post her transformation

Attached: pngegg.png (662x640, 456.58K)

Attached: 36609518.jpg (421x614, 69.77K)

>level 7
>weaker than red eyes
why was this so rare? though i do miss vanilla monsters with very odd stats but i guess they weren't odd is just that today's meta ruined everyone's expectations on a monster based on levels

Attached: serpent night dragon.png (310x450, 304.98K)

Pendulums are just as soulless. Fusion > XYZ >>> Link. Fuck the rest.

What audience is this card catering to?

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the audience that wants to errata frog the jam

>TWO (2) levels
>double doubles in ATK
kek has spoken

How did they get away with this