Why is this video game so comfy??
Megaland Legends
>masturbation bait
Roll is cute! Cute!
>spend hours kicking cans into the store for free money
Gg ez
Horse shit, dungeon diving, treasure hunting, side-jobbing, can-kicking, I fucking love this game.
some talent
10/10 use of artstyle and sound quality helping the great OST.
Zelda styled games are always great. I even liked Darksiders.
are these games honestly worth playing
Ratchet and clank was never good.
Its very nice visually but the gameplay is boring. Its only great if you have nostalgia for it.
I really like the games though you should be warned that the game came out before OOT so nobody started aping Z-targeting into their games yet but the existing system works alright. controls are a little strange too but once you get used to it you have a fun adventure and a very comfy atmosphere
>gameplay is boring
only comfy if you play the superior n64 version
>controls are a little strange too
>X to jump
>Square to shoot
>O to actions
>Triangle for secondary weapon/lift
>One button to target
>L & R to move camera
>Strange controls
stop bullying roll, she's a cute nice girl with a very good heart and deserve to be loved.
why does she wear those shorts in winter
Why do you have Roll abuse webms?
To demonstrate the excellent gameplay/player-freedom in Megaman Legends.
The game's ungodly short and honestly more a proof of concept more than a game but it's got this sandbox-y vibe to it. Like when you get the better jump you suddenly want to try to see how high you can get on each map, likewise when you get the ability to skate you can play chicken with the cars or jump off ledges. The ruins are novel, like a 3D dungeon crawler complete with traps and mimics.
The story is mildly interesting too. Sadly one of the games better twists is ruined by the Bonnes popularity. You're supposed to believe they're silly but still violent, dangerous and expendable villains by the games standards and that doesn't really work when you know the prequel reveals how down on their luck and sympathetic they are.
>Go to the bathroom
>Find Roll taking a bath
>Success animation
idk what type of games that user has played and most people who play 3rd person games are used to dual analog stick controls to control player and camera, not dpad and shoulder buttons. its like getting into doom if you've only ever played modern FPS, the adjustment will come quick but it might feel strange at first
I used to spend hours as a kid fucking around in the two town areas, the one with the hospital and the painter girl and the main one with the cars going all over. Idk why it was just so fun for me. Filling out the museum and all the little mini games at the tv station and shit
Coz your mom bought it for you for xmas when you were 9 years old and you have played very little else.
mega man legends is one of those games where I keep getting lost and unable to progress because the level design is made up of a whole lot of nothing
I usually play shit on original hardware and a CRT, I'm planning on getting a PSX in a few months.
Should I play MM64 now and replay it on PSX or just wait until I get the PSX?
Legends has been on my list of games to play for awhile.
MML is aesthetically my favorite game of all time and I've wanted to make a game with its low poly style for years but I have no clue how to start
>wanted to make a game with its low poly style for years
>but I have no clue how to start
Then you don't really want to. Blender is free, there are countless tutorials on precisely making low-poly pixel-perfect-textured models on YouTube.
You're right
I will check out blender tutorials and do my best to at least make models so some fag from here can code for me while I make assets
Since Mega Man has proven itself as financially successful again after the dumb business politics between Capcom and Inafune ended, will Legends 3 finally come out and give a proper end to the Mega Man series?
Still never ever
As a zoomie I didn't realize that was an actual game from back in the day rather than a new fangled proof of concept for low poly art. Aesthetically is looks great and I will need to try it just to enjoy the graphics. I wish that more games of that generation had gone for such a clean look.
Even coding should be relatively simple for a Megaman Legends clone. UE4/Unity will take care of all the basic controls out of the box, tutorials on basic shit like doors and NPC conversation boxes are everywhere on YouTube as well. The main hurdle for making a MML-style game is the sheer amount of content (textures, enemies, locations, etc) you need.
I know this isn't the thread for this but did anyone else get a pregnancy fetish in their child years when talking to that lady in the mall?
I had a little calculator my mom gave me that had a notepad and I drew the early 2000's sprint logo in one of my teacher's and me with a boner in it.
Knew my mom found it but she never said a word, god bless that woman.
>The main hurdle for making a MML-style game is the sheer amount of content (textures, enemies, locations, etc) you need.
Luckily for me that's more of what I'm interested in, the idea of making a bunch of content/assets is fun, the programming side isn't