>go into a stream
>ask a simple, inoffensive question
>get instantly permabanned
why the fuck are twitch streamers such incredibly huge faggots
Go into a stream
>op goes into a stream
>asks a retarded question
>actually bothered enough to make a thread about it instead of shrugging it off
>uses an anime image instead of something related to videogames
why the fuck is op such an incredibly huge faggot?
>>go into a stream
sounds like you're the faggot here
Yeah, I bet it was inoffensive.
Knowing your ilk, you probably wrote NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER and said everyone who doesn't agree with your opinion is beneath your intellect.
Post the question and streamer
this, only way we can know op is or isn't a nigger
>why the fuck are twitch streamers such incredibly huge faggots
because they’re twitch streamers?
You are one of those people who doesn't read the title and then asks what's going on
>be streamer
>know i'm going to be asked a question a million times
>make an faq and put it in my title
>put giant text on my stream saying please read the faq
>some faggot comes into my stream and asks a question that's on the faq
>ban them forever
>ask a simple, inoffensive question
It may surprise you, but asking if all niggers should be killed is offensive on most places other than Zig Forums.
What was that question & can you provide the context too?
Beware, not answering both is also an answer.
they did you a favor user, don't give faggot streamers views and twitch prime ad revenue. they're human dog-shit.
what'd you ask op?
>go into faggot factory (any streaming service)
>why are there faggots!
you might be retarded
>What is the correlation between the transgender and their suicide statistics?
>How did 6 million die during the Holocaust if there weren't 6 million jews in Europe at that time?
>If black lives matter then do black cop lives matter?
>getting emotionally scarred by a twitch streamer
I want you to realsie how fucking pathetic you are right now so that you can reevaluate your thin skinmed bitch made life and seek help you freak
>go into a stream
theres your problem, i recommend suicide
>It's another the image the OP used is much better than the contents of their shitty post ep
All the more reason why I continue to skip them
>retard comes into my stream asking stupid questions
>my mods ban him immediately because I told my mods to ban people being retarded.
You sound like a retard who didn't read the rules and then complained when you broke one.
5 bucks says OP is the nigga seething about Mike Ross in the catalog
>friend starts streaming a few multiplayer games on PC
>gets like 7-10 viewers at the most
>group of friends encourages it for a while
>he then starts to use twitch emotes in conversations
>we tell him to stop but he won't
>resort to ignoring him in group calls until he stops talking like a faggot
>he actually asked me why the group seems so cold towards him and I told him the reason
>he now won't talk to us and is even more dedicated to his shitty stream
You answered your own question.
What was the question?
You can't ask if it is gay to suck a girlcock on these sites.
Both your friends and the streamer are fags. It's always sad seeing group of friends being teared apart...
>was helping a friend with his programming problem
>easiest way to show him exactly what he was doing wrong was to stream my screen
>fireup Shadowplay and start streaming to twitch
>didn't set to like a private stream so I had a few people drop in randomly
>didn't realize it until I started getting message notifications
>45 viewers watching from 10 minutes in to the end (around 45 minutes total)
>complimenting my voice, how I answer questions, someone mentions that my deep voice sounds sexy
>get really self conscious "well the problem has been solved, thanks everyone, heh, bye"
>buddy tells me I should stream more
>I can barely look bank tellers or the register workers in the eye let alone stream and become a relatable personality
hey can someone shoot this motherfucker
How about you lurk more you dumb gay retard?
ur ugly and autistic lol