in some games its 40fps more.
7 games benchmarked in video
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Doesn't even work lmfao
1 in every 100,000 units is defective. its normal. it happens in every product including your $1500 gpus
>Why is the game play so damn blurry?
>If your gonna claim they are getting 60fps at 4k then show it bruh.
Kek. Why was the image photoshopped to make the Xbox lighter and the PS5 darker/dirtier?
video fake?
also keep in mind we have no idea if ps5 is runnin fake 2k. sex is not
Why is the ps5 using xbox controller in gameplay?
if someone had told me that we were going to be using minecraft as a benchmarking tool for a console two generations ahead in the future I never would have believed them.
welcome to clown world. it has RTX meme just like Fortnite
because the video is fake. these are the low levels console war morons are going to.
Both consoles look good thanks OP.
Pathetic, op. The video is fake.
DonĀ“t worry pal, shitstation5 has the same or worse faults, and has not been launched in Europe, lmao
Cannot believe you went through the trouble of making a fake video get a life go outside
not me retard. anyway i aint buyin consoles. i havew a gaming pc equivalent to Series S. unlimited piracy baby
1:55 look at the action tips on the ps5, it's fake
this has been debunked
you mean ps5?
Unfortunately they don't have many games to pick from.
kek. ps5 oc'd so high just to compete with SeX its goin nuts
a toyota racing a ferrari
Lmao demons souls is still ZERO fps on xbox!
This would be a big deal if TVS regularly put out more than 60 fps, but they don't
the worse thing about console wars is you dishonest retards. If you have to depend on lies, you clearly lost
You're even more of a faggot then. Grow some hair on your nuts before you post here again
OP video is literally bait
xbox are bros of us PC kukks. also i must admit MS offers a lotta value for $500.
some pc cases alone cost $500
>sony proceeds to cope
Holy shit, snoy tears taste so fucking good
whoever made that fake test channel must have made thousands from his affiliate links by now.