Okay here me out

okay here me out

>logan's run mmo

>when your toon hits level 21 or 21 weeks you have to enter a quest to delete it
>"toon name" 2/3/4 automatically pops up in your account whenever you renew
>your old items carry over since you'll just stash it to an alt anyway if it didn't
>your stats have a chance to carry over or even increase or get new traits/perks if you renew
>chances increase the more runner players you kill
>hidden quest line to not renew
>once you start this you become hostile to everyone
>after escaping the city, you can go over 21 levels/weeks
>but at a certain age your stats deteriorate
>runner goals are to muster enough forces to siege the city
>sandman goals are to keep killing runners so they can prevent the siege and gain the carryover chances at renewal, and if they can, mount a counter-attack on sanctuary outside/ mars

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>here me out


>implying the toddlers here seen the movie

Who is this fluid druid?

>the movie
Filthy secondary. BOX was great though.

Stopped reading, fuck off and never post again you idiot

21 was the cutoff for the book

is that rachel steele?

Her name is Maitland Ward, you're welcome.

is coffee good for you?

is it a set or there are really only 2 pictures

post you're toons

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Reminder that this chick was on Boy Meets World.

girls wearing panties and non-skirt clothing should be illegal

>Maitland Ward
omg i thought you meant Tapanga grew up to be a pornstar


>perfect character design

>grew up to be a pornstar
please tell me it isnt a joke...

Maitland Ward. She was Rachel in Boy Meets World and got into porn a few years back.

she literally, unironically did videos for BLACKED

my interest is gone, my body follows it.

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I'm Gen X and it was old film back then for me.


Attached: Duck.jpg (797x719, 93.6K)

triggered troon

Worst idea ever.


post more of her.

>no pubes
Garbage hag