>he makes his base out of anything other than cobblestone
He makes his base out of anything other than cobblestone
dirtchads assemble
Post the fat version
>implying I build a base instead of just decorating a hole I dug
The first home I ever made in minecraft was an underground bunker in the middle of the desert.
>fat version
You got it!
please stop. i don't want to have to, but you're forcing my hand.
Just Lavacast bro. It ain't difficult
Embrace the blockfucker gene user
Do eet
Cobblestone is OP as fuck when you consider how easy it is to obtain.
Wood is basically useless for tools other than sticks and the first pickaxe and so is leather because it's absurdly harder to get useful amounts than iron.
In my custom modpack I made cobblestone much slower to mine, this makes stripmining viable, wood more useful, and cobblestone more of a luxury building block. Also made all farm animals other than chicken to drop leather, so you can actually use leather armor before you get the much better iron armor, that is in turn harder to come by because you can't strip mine.
Fuck off 2t2bfag
>for me? It's gotta be red brick
>the one with the 2d Alex who get in a village and just weight gain up by trading emerald for food.
i'm diamonds
The fact that her face is cubed gives me a fucking visceral reaction
there are people on this very planet who's first sexual experience was watching minecraft porn on youtube
Noob, all the good shit is on yiffpar....err....patreon oh god please tell me yiffparty is coming back
I make everything out of wood
Is it okay if I use Chisel to make it fancy cobblestone first?
Polished diorite chads ww@
This is some advanced autism
should we tell him
tell him what? Is it dead?
>he doesn't hollow out a mountain for his base
how about brown bricks with minecrap?
Whenever I feel like shit, I remind myself that at least I'm not depraved enough to be masturbating to minecraft r34.
Anyway my starter base is gonna be spruce/darkoak/white concrete.
>I'm not depraved enough to be masturbating to minecraft r34.
I want to like SlipperyT, i do, but dialogue is just so bad.
the owner got tired of the website and he doesn't even want to put effort into selling it