Why are white women in video games so ugly?

why are white women in video games so ugly?

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Because white women are ugly

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because western video games strive for realism

>tfw no director faden gf


>it needs a bald woman to match Asians beauty

i hate what they did to trish

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Jesus christ the face scan model for Faden looks miles better in reality, the fuck did they do to her face in-game?

Bugbros, we got too cocky...

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To attract black men.

Because Anglos and Germans are ugly. Nordics are okay.

because its sexist to make attractive women anymore

both are ugly without make-up on

Because the developers themselves are outcast whales and think "toxic males" don't deserve to have good looking women i ntheir games so they put ugly ones. They have admitted this much.

it's almost always like that with scanned actors. capcom has been doing it for every game and consistently something is off about the ingame model even if slightly.
the only actors in a game i thought fit perfectly and didn't look uncanny were in Left 4 Dead 2

Ok, incel chud.

Problem is not even the race/ethnicity here, it's just that they make them ugly, either intentionally, or maybe because graphics improved and you get this weird realistic, but not quite uncanny valley look with plain women. They also fear sexy.

Pathologic girls are great

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Nigger worshipping Amerimutts killing the Vidya industry.

can u cut out top left pls

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Found the user with a tiny penis! You are only attracted to East Asians because of plastic surgery models, whitening creams, and East Asian women considering small penises average because they are used to them back home.

I'd have hot sex with those Russian women to make them less depressed. Hopefully they shaved their pubes.

they really did a number on trish huh...
what the fuck

The Jews make them ugly to promote White genocide.


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Are they uncomfortable because of the mogging or because they are a Chinese and a Korean having to pose together?

She's got a big nose but she definitely looks better in real life.

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Because you didn't gatekeep hard enough to keep women out and now they are set to ruin everything you love.

Fuck White Women 2020

WTF she's actually pretty, why the hell would they do that?

Face scanning tech unironically.

They didn't nail it quite yet.

because they aim for realism and anglo women are ugly with dead hair, cold soulless eyes, man-faces and (often) man-genitalia.

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Games aren't being made for coomers anymore

>100 layers of photoshop and photo studio tricks vs 1-1 facescans
Latter is more real life, cope.

jesus christ

There's nobody in the whole world who hates beautiful women more than less beautiful women. Those faggots from Zig Forums who say they hate women can't even imagine 1% of that hate.

So it's ugly bitches and simps of ugly bitches, and western gamedev is full of both. If you check actresses who were face scanned to make those characters, you find out that later in development their faces were subjected to deformation to not be offensive.

She looks like a FAS having goblin.

>Lindsay Wagner is ugly

Sure, but then again they could edit the model however they wanted. Couldn't have made her more beautiful as well. Clean up the skin texture, add some subtle make up, thicker eyelashes, smaller nice, more lively skin color etc.

What's wrong with their lower eye lids?

>asian plastic insect
>calling anyone soulless

Not going the extra mile to make ugly anglo models look good is not the same as them intentionally making anyone ugly. That's God's doing.

oooh shit i didn't even notice...yea that is probably it...

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Aegyo sal. They get surgery there because they think it makes them look younger.

oh no they called pretty girls insects how will we recover straight bros

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Niggers are disgusting god damn

I honestly can't believe the DMC5 character face scans weren't talked about more
they're literally fucking hideous abominations like what the fuck did they do

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>le plastic surgery
meanwhile angoloid women need dick removal surgery lmfao

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>Hopefully they shaved their pubes.
You are not worthy

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>Lindsay Wagner

chose one