Ray Tracing was a thing already in 1990


Ray-Tracing was already used and available on home computers in 1990s.
This current craze for RT only proves how dumb your typical NPC consoomer is.
Just tell him it's the latest greatest thing and he will buy it. Damn sheep.

Attached: NKqRB9P.gif (414x431, 3.74M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>The idea of ray tracing comes from as early as the 16th century when it was described by Albrecht Dürer, who is credited for its invention.
OP you are small time

16:04 or copy-paste the link. Btw. N64 had some RT implemented too.

I was talking technology-wise.



And just to think she looks like shit now.

nvidea isnt claiming raytracing is new
theyre claiming the ability to upscale it with ai is
raytracing is just as expensive as ever
but now you can do it at much lower resolutions then smooth it to look crisp at high resolutions at the hardware level

I clearly struck a nerve. Probably a retard who was spewing BS just weeks ago about how RT is the next big thing LMFAO at your pathetic ass.

Femoids his the wall very hard.

She doesn't look that bad, especially considering she's 50

Obviously there's a lot of makeup involved but there's lots of makeup involved in the gif above

Forgot pic

Attached: Jennifer-Connelly-2.jpg (1000x1500, 943.54K)

But she looked bad already in her 30s.

yes, anyone who isn't an npc who downloads their opinion on things on weekly basis knows this. what's different between then and now is they're making technology/hardware that's tailored to it. it's still a meme, but just from a different point.

Nice beard

I mean she looks better than most of the women I work with. Though that's not really a high bar

>I clearly struck a nerve
I call you a cum guzzler because its fun
>Probably a retard who was spewing BS just weeks ago about how RT is the next big thing LMFAO at your pathetic ass.
If you can't differentiate between pre-rendered raytracing and real time raytracing you are an actual fucking idiot

all you are showing is that you are tech illiterate

Attached: 1569677941300.jpg (405x582, 48.87K)

David Bowie probably fucked her when she was 16. Lucky bastard.

>xsx supports it
>xss supports it
>amd supports it
>nvidia supports it
>even intels upcoming XE GPUs have hardware accelerated raytracing

>console launchtitles have it
>cod, battlefield have it
>japs use it now
>cyberpunk, ubisoft games have it
>indie games have it
>minecraft and fortnite, the most popular games in the world have it

clearly its a dying meme we will never hear about again

Attached: 9b6.png (680x404, 401.97K)

>Implying GPUs and consoles weren't technically capable of RT on the old games on smaller level already and that he had to buy a 2K GPU to have it
The only tech illiterate mental zero here is you.


I don't doubt that with time, the RT capabilities were rised and the RT itself didn't become better, I'm exposing all the shills and dumb consoomers. Which one are you?

So what’s the purported advantage of ray tracing over whatever games are currently using?

What's that woman's name? I want to have sex with her and I'd hate for her to miss out on this opportunity.

You do know he was gay, right?

It allows devs to be lazy.

It wasn't new.. at least to non zoomers who were into computers already at the time. It's just that it was very expensive to do resource wise.

I don't deny the advantages it does. I am not even deny that it's more capable to do all of it's things now than ever.
I just don't accept this notion that it's a game changer or that it's a new thing, or that it wasn't possible to make it a norm 10+ years ago, etc.
Also put consoomers in their place.


He was bi. He had a threesome with a 14 year old and her mate.

The fact that ray tracing isn't new works in favor of it, you can't claim its some newfangled zoomer gimmick.
It's been industry standard for a long time, but because of how expensive it is to render it wasn't ever feasible to be ran in real time at playable framerate, only rendering one frame at a time sometimes taking multiple minutes. Real time ray tracing is what's new and being sold to you, and it's always been the logical end point of vidya graphics, the hardware just wasn't ever there yet.

Attached: 2020-09-18_16.21.19.gif (244x250, 2.14M)

Yes I know, I've been into Amiga since early 90s. Computer science engineer with real time graphics speciality. I just like to destroy the lives of normoids and tone down their excitement for the new product.
This gives consoomers depression.

what the fuck are you even talking about at this point

Attached: funny dog 12.jpg (576x581, 60.51K)



Please tell me this gif is fake

Attached: Ahhz to ahhz.jpg (273x185, 4.61K)

Doing God's work. I, personally, feel indifferent with it. Never was a graphics fag.

Why did you post a picture of a jew?

It's sad that love is forbidden, isn't it?


For me, it's

>uses an RT demo, we know nothing about, no details, nada, that was never released to consumers, as an argument

why is she so perfect?

Attached: JC.webm (620x480, 2.44M)

aged like fine wine

Attached: 1404252380394.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

Nice LARP retard.
If you knew anything about what you claim, you'd have known what the big new change here is.