Why didn't anybody tell me this game was better than doom eternal?
Finally, some real level design coupled with excellent combat
it's not better, still a great game though
I want to play it but $25 seems a bit steep for an unfinished game. I'll wait until it's complete, same as I did for Dusk.
I'll play it when there are more HUD options
>Early access
its got dogshit level design, boring enemy and weapon design, boring art design , pretty good gunplay and nothing else going for it
probably the most mediocre game I have ever played and you are a dumb nigger shill so fuck off
I wish these retro wanking indie games would go all the way and make their first episodes shareware.
I literally can't think of a worse fps than eternal
I'm not being ironic
>That hud straight from fear 2
Holy cringe
First it was ultrashit, now this brootal dewm 2. You falseflagging cocksucker can't to smash your skull
You can hate on Gmanlives all you want but he's great at getting unknown games into the spotlight
>Why didn't anybody tell me this game was better than doom eternal?
because it is not
>muh ammo
>muh cutscenes
thousands of doomclones later and doom 1+2+wads still can't be beaten, pathetic really
If you want shareware use piratebay
Because the vast majority Zig Forums only really play what streamers, console manufacturers and the journalist tell them to them to play. Of course afterwards they will move to the next fad and you will never hear of the game they chilled for months ever again. They don't like the hobby, they just consume it brainlessly.
i mean i do, but I would rather do these things legally if at all possible. it would be a show of goodwill and confidence in the product they've made.
I played pretty much every FPS game that came out in the last 15 years and Doom Eternal is one of the best, probably the best one in the last 10 years
>1+2+wads still can't be beaten, pathetic really
>vasyan shit
Do ogdoom fags really
>implying Zig Forumstards arent only talking about this gay game because their favorite youtuber covered it recently and shilling
fuck off
whatever you say kid
If Zig Forums can't fap to it or if e-celebs aren't shilling it they don't care
blood is decent but it's no plutonia
Doom 2 is my favourite game but that doesn't mean other (og)doom inspired games arent worth playing you delusional poser
Stop being a moralcuck
>it would be a show of goodwill and confidence
You're a fucking retard you know that right
The best big budget one for sure
But there are like 5+ indies that are better than it, Prodeus included
>5+ indies that are better than it,
>new blood shit
the fact that you think people only know about this game because of some youtuber says a lot more about you than it does about the people youre talking about
And remember to consoom my friend
like what?
prodeus definitely not
Amid Evil maybe
Dusk could have been but boring weapon design lets it down
Ultrakill might be but needs to be released fully to judge
Wrath is boring
SS4 was dogshit
Ion Fury was nice but I didnt like the setting
literally nobody but shills made a thread about this game before that faggot gggman made a video you can go back and check the archives as well faggot
>funny buzzword
Better you consoom my boot with your pathetic mouth
I'm sorry all you care about is fancy graphics :)
>new blood shit
Amid Evil and Dusk are pretty great. Ion Fury is a blast as well. Eternal and 2016 are absolutely the best looking though, anything else can be up for debate.
I haven't tried Serious Sam 4 yet but SS Fusion was amazing.
>indieshit tries to elevate himself eating shitty graphucs and shaming aaa graphic
So you admitted defeat? Good
>Zig Forums doesnt like video games
imagine my shock
You realize you just admitted you care about graphics above all lmao :)
>continues to ignore brown mass in his pants
>Yu-yi care about gggraphic g-g-ot you hehe
>Smileyface once again
Lmao. I like how indieshits pretend to be high and above all by eating shit because its not AAA
>Lmao. I like how indieshits pretend to be high and above all by eating shit because its not AAA
The AAA equivalent of this is just gobbling down anything that looks pretty.
>Ion Fury was nice but I didnt like the setting
It was great
>Dusk could have been but boring weapon design lets it down
Visually or regarding gameplay?
Kinda both
Weapons looked boring and it needed better variety
the only interesting one is the crossbow it could have used a bit more magical or demonic weapons
>could have used a bit more magical or demonic weapons
Holy cringe.
Get a better taste
nice argument you underage faggot
Everything in Dusk could need a visual boost but the weapons filled the 'Doom/Quake' standard that they were aiming for just fine.
>MORE MELEE WEAPONS in shooting game
>doom eternal soifags coping ITT
i hate how this game goes out of its way to be as ugly and obnoxious as possible
>it could have used a bit more magical or demonic weapons
You're inadvertently describing Amid Evil.
>muh dewm
Like clockwork
Now post Eternal vs D3 pic with photoshoped hach near d3
what else should we add to this list?
+Past Decade and beyond
-All Day Dying (2019)
-Amid Evil (2019)
-Amid Evil Expansion: The Black Labyrinth (2021)
-Atomic Heart (TBA)
-Boundary (Tba)
-Bpm:Bullets per Minute (2020)
-Brutal Fate (2021)
-Core Decay (Tba)
-Cyber Hook (2020)
-Devil Daggers (2016)
-Diabotical (2020)
-Doom 2016
-Doombringer (Tba)
-Doom Eternal (2020)
-Doom Eternal Expansion:Ancient Gods-Part One (2020)
-Dusk (2018)
-Effigy (2021)
-Fallen Aces (Tba)
-Ghostrunner (2020)
-Gloomwood (Tba)
-Graven (2021)
-Hedon (2019)
-Hellbound (2020)
-Hell Hunt (Tba)
-Hellscreen (2020)
-Hermodr (TBA)
-Hyperviolent (2022)
-Ion Fury (2019)
-Ion Fury Expansion Pack (2021)
-Kingpin Reloaded (2021)
-Limitless Hunger (TBA)
-Maximum Action (TBA
-Nightmare Reaper (TBA)
-Overload (2018)
-Paradox Vector (2020)
-Positron X (2020)
-Postal 4: No Regrets (TBA)
-Postal: Brain Damaged (2021)
-Post Void (2020)
-Prodeus (2020)
-Project Warlock (2018)
-Reborn (TBA)
-Retchid (2021)
-Rise of the triad(2013)
-Sin: Reloaded (2021)
-Strafe (2017)
-System Shock Remastered (2020)
-System Shock 3 (TBA)
-the Citadel (2020)
-Ultrakill (TBA)
-Viscerafest (Tba)
-Witchfire (TBA)
-Wrath: Aeon of Ruin (2021)
+Old but Gold
-Blood(BloodGDX) (fresh supply=maybe)
-Star wars:Dark Forces (Force engine )
-Descent 1+2 (d1x/d2x-rebirth)
-Doom/Doom2/Heretic/Hexen/Strife (gzdoom)
-Doom64 (Doom64EX)
-Duke Nukem 3D (eduke32)
-F.E.A.R.(extraction point>>>>shit>>>perseus mandate)
-Forsaken (Remastered > Steam)
-Hexen II (UQE Hexen II)
-Quake (DarkPlaces)
-Quake II (yquake aka Yamagi Quake II)
-Return to Castle Wolfenstein
-Serious Sam (First and Second encounter)
-Shadow Warrior (Wang DX>Classic Redux > Steam)
-Turok 1+2 (Remastered > Steam)
-Wolfenstein 3D (zdoom)