
Play Vibri's game.

Attached: 1604989957917.gif (497x507, 192.44K)

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I listen to the soundtrack every day, it fills me with overflowing emotions.

Attached: 1580341131163.png (437x833, 10.28K)

Attached: vib_scopin.png (722x1484, 233.97K)

Attached: 3F9A35D1-0770-4856-81ED-F1E607D2D3E2.png (446x554, 8.99K)

Attached: Pet.png (577x514, 102.56K)

Attached: bun_of_haste.png (233x434, 5.77K)

sony is worse than sega with sitting on ips and doing nothing with them

PC port when

It works alright with an emulator, loading custom songs can be a bit of a pain though.
I would cry if they made a serious sequel though.

Attached: 1585126042645.jpg (598x416, 51.29K)

I want to hug her

theres a fangame called vib ribbon replay, i haven't tried it tho, and screenshots may look radically different to what you expect

Attached: EKQmfE_XUAwRKLx.png (244x220, 1.5K)

I want to touch her ears

Mojib Ribbon was pretty good

Doesn't have cute bunny.
Don't care.

Dumbass, Mojibri is cute too

Also, I'd rather play Biscuit and Yogurt's Fun Time

looks ugly to me, honestly.

You should maybe stop staring at that mirror

How will I ever recover

Attached: this here bun is very fun.webm (1920x1080, 531.04K)

Kinda cute not gonna lie, but he's no Vibri.

Attached: 1592000581457.png (400x413, 180.78K)

.t x t

What about Mojiko

Attached: character_1[1].jpg (840x748, 302.37K)



Attached: tumblr_ca9e4b5696d9c1edff4074cc95ede45e_93d60b7d_400.png (313x278, 85.57K)

Attached: vibri fucking explodes.gif (801x591, 2.09M)

>Published On: October 22, 2020
what a nice birthday gift
when is it coming out though?

Attached: 92418b374302dc11ff8b5fe7f36b89a1.png (969x1494, 162.77K)

The robot is kino, his head is a volcano.

Attached: 1577936022295.jpg (640x480, 22.73K)

Is saying that name bannable now or something?

Attached: 1596519215926.png (543x413, 83.92K)

No I just like changing their names

The thought of the mods being so pissed at us they ban all bun games is very scary

Les Aventures de Rose de Reims & Nuxe Crème Fraiche de Beauté

Attached: a fun bun that jump.webm (1920x1080, 277.8K)

Looks like she's jumping on "something"...

Attached: wormie.png (639x677, 18.74K)