Smash clones are on sale today. Which one should I buy?

Smash clones are on sale today. Which one should I buy?

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rivals of aether, if i had to pick one for you. it has a modding community if youre into that, which adds in all sorts of characters and stages. its basically mugen smash now

The game she's in

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How's the base game?

Buy a gun and kill yourself

What happened to sly?

He was turned into a dating sim girl written to appeal to femdom fetishists.

The game where she is in

Rivals has an actual community that is active. Slap City has the best gameplay and if you have friends, that's the pick easily. Roof Rage is trash.

kys furfag

not the same user but I found it pretty good even without any modded characters and such. characters are varied enough and fill out most party fighter archetypes. I can't speak about balance since I mostly just play among friends, but it's a pretty nice package with a big ol modding cherry on top

Why does Slap City have better gameplay?

“Slap City” reminded me of “Snap City” and I got some really bad flashbacks coming back to me

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This post is extremely low-quality.

It doesn't lack features due to I guess dev inexperience. Rivals is really cool and all with some interesting character design, but no grabs and the parry system doesn't really make for a cohesive triangle. It also isn't quite as tight in terms of how it handles DI. Your mileage may vary in terms of how you prefer ledges/recovery, but Slap City solves the edge-camp problem fine. Slap Ball >>> Tetherball. I would say Slap City is far closer to something like Smash 64 fused with Melee whereas Rivals is sort of its own thing.

I'm pretty sure the omission of grabs and parries is a deliberate choice in Rivals to keep it somewhat simpler in terms of approach and mindgames, but yes, it still feels like an odd thing. The developers had some experience on their belt before starting it, but not exactly fighting games as far as I can tell.

Haven't played Slap City or Roof Rage myself, and I'm not too big on Smash in general outside of playing the occasional local couch multiplayer once a year or so.

I thought one of the Rivals devs worked on Killer Instinct

slap city has the clutch button so you can zip around if you get enough momentum. best game

One of them did, and the head guy used to work for Microsoft before going off to make RoA. But afaik they didn't have everyone on board at the start, particularly when they were putting down the basic framework for gameplay. Don't quote me on that, of course, just going off of some vague memories.

I am pretty sure the grab reason was because it was 2D and they would have had to animate a lot more sprites to make it look good.

>but no grabs and the parry system doesn't really make for a cohesive triangle
Fuck your triangle and stop holding shield.

Generally 2d fighting games only need some additional frames for the character performing the grab, while the character on the receiving end is pretty simple, just reusing their damage animation frames.

However, another reason I can think of for omitting throws is the multiplayer aspect. In a game like RoA, it would be weird to have couple characters "stuck" in place when there are other players moving about the stage, and it could also create very deadly get-grabbed-and-you-die situations with 2v2 format or so.

Shielding/Blocking slows a game down to a crawl and removes skill entirely, reducing pressure to rock-paper-scissors where you lose when you simply guess incorrectly.
RoA's system forces you to be aggressive and actually zone and position properly as the primary defensive tool, while letting you parry as a purely skill-based option to punish opponents who extend incorrectly.

I'm pretty certain this was what they were thinking. They removed grabs because they removed shielding. It makes the game very different from Smash, which helps sell it imo

I'll never understand people like that on Zig Forums.

Slap City introduced to me Ludosity games which are great, so that one.

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Which was best?


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Slap City is great, Fishbunjin is possibly the best fighting game character ever made.

Iittle Dew 2 is probably one of my favorite Indie games. First Ittle Dew and Princess Remedy are great too. I have yet to play Iji, but I don't think they have a single bad game and playing them makes you appreciate all of the soul put into Slap City. You stop seeing it as a Smash clone with random characters.

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These guys made Iji? Holy shit, that takes me back. I'm glad they're still around.

There's even an Iji rep in the game