Let's see how long it takes for Zig Forums to screech about the game.
Cyberpunk 2077 New Gameplay
good old ttt bringing us new gameplay
looks promising to me
>transformers in dis guy
why are poltards so obsessed with trans people?
what's with this weird distortion every time there's any movement in the frame? Is this just the video compression or something?
You can clearly see there's footage of gunplay and yes it may only be the character walking around but it's still taken from in-game rather than a CG trailer.
Cock and balls
cyberpunk lite, but it still looks kinda nice
>Weird distortion
Yeah, it's shitty video compression.
Nice, i can`t wait to play
>German voice of Keanu isn't the actual german voice of Keanu.
You will walk around, talk to people, and occasionally shoot things (with bullets that automatically hit enemies).
You do not "play" Cyberpunk 2077.
Adam Smasher's got the derpy eyes going.
What have you played recently if I may ask?
fucking shit bros, it loosk so good. I think I'm gonna need to upgrade if I want to have 1080@60fps here, right? Currently sporting a Ryzen 5 2600 and an XT 5700
Miles Morales.
>Plays jogger man
>Complains about talking to people and reading lore
Checks out
Its a game that can run on ps4 your rig is on par with a ps5.
My new job turned my life into a huge cyberpunk cliché. It's terrible but I can't stop loving it.
I decided to buy a high-end electric bicycle and become an Uber Eats courier. I usually work late night (big city with lots of universities, many students ordering junk food in the middle of the night), zapping around the empty city on my futuristic bicycle, wearing a bright neon-colored jacket (high visibility), a pair of cool bike goggles and fake Chinese airpods through which the Google Maps lady gives me directions straight to my ears.
So, my life is pretty much controlled by a shady mega-corp and my manager is a computer program that decides my routes. If I get into an accident/lose my bike/get injured, I won't be able to pay rent. It's also pretty lonely at times.
Sounds dystopian and it is... but damn it I love so much the "freedom", the cold night air, the city lights, the stealthy noise of my bike's engine, my synthwave playlist. What a weird future that we live in, that I can't stop loving living a dystopia.
Their mere existence undermines and refutes their entire epistemology, metaphysics, and ontology.
>implying you wouldn't have said something stupid regardless of the game said
Insomniac's Spider-Man games have infinitely more gameplay than Cyberpunk. And I never said anything about "reading lore"; the Cyberpunk game consists primarily of just talking to people. That's not "lore" at all.
What bike do you have in this imaginary life?
Don't care
nice blogpost
kill yourself faggot
Don't care. I'm still buying Cyberpunk 2077.
They love girls with dicks and it goes against their nazi beliefs. They're suppressing their homo urges.
>Snoy Spider nig muh BLM player is actually the faggot shitposting and hating on Cyberpunk
Proved again and again, rent free
Why do the clips here look a thousand times better than the footage cdpr has been showing?
>b-but black people!
Get a new gimmick, faggot. Lrn2cope.
That's gay... but would dominate
>that shooting
literally Borderlands tier
Go back
Gears 5 i guess also is not a game. Just like fallout 1, 2, 3, new vegas. Deus Ex is also not a game, you heard it folks. Games are no more.
Trump lost.
Stay mad leftyshit
it's shit
Who’s this?
Wrong. If it attracts me and I want to fuck it then it means it is a female. Everything else doesn't matter.
Well you have to understand, these people think they're girls, it's our duty to remind them they're fucking insane and extremely gross.
PLEASE for the love of god, tell me this girl has a dick
>it is transphobic to literally PORTRAY trans people
>in any way
Why are they like this? No, seriously, what the fuck is wrong with them? Are they retarded? Brainwashed? Trolling? All three?
>Games are no more.
Why would germans even like this game? Why bother advertising to them? Is there a forklift in the game, somewhere? Maybe a tractor to drive or some assembly line work you can perform?
>Stay mad leftyshit